A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Misguided Super Heroes


Strength, is not the Measure
of One’s Ability to Throw a Punch.

Strength, is the Measure
of One’s Capacity to Take a Punch.

The incarnation of the Soul, is a process that provides the experience to Understand as many aspects and facets of Creation as deeply as possible. In order for the Soul to Know itself and in turn, to Know Creation.

This process naturally encompasses a range of Pleasant and Unpleasant experiences, because this is the Nature of a Dualistic Reality.

A storybook Super Hero with exceptional powers, whose purpose is to protect those weaker from Unpleasant experiences, interferes with the Souls journey and development.

This is a crime against the Soul.

This is why storybook Super Heroes do not actually exist.

A sane and moral Individual, will unquestionably assist Others in difficulty as best they can, without storybook Super Powers.

A storybook Super Hero or Saviour, incessantly saving those weaker, is the equivalent of a weak Individual going to a gym, but expecting a stronger Individual to lift the weights for them.

A storybook Super Hero flying halfway around the world to prevent an aircraft from fatal collision, is unduly and unwisely interfering with the Soul experience of all affected Souls.

If every aircraft encountering difficulty was saved by a storybook Super Hero, what Understanding could ever be gained from such situations? Designers, manufactures and operators of aircraft, would have no incentive to improve their product. Because designers, manufactures and operators of aircraft, should do their best to ensure their aircraft do not fail.

Given that, while observing an alien world with a developing species, One was able to foresee a tragedy emerging and had the means to avert it, should One interfere?

Should One interfere in a process that may likely incentivise that species to develop new and unique levels of Understanding?

Interference would rob them of this opportunity.

Interference would simply satiate the ego’s desire to play, storybook Super Hero.

Is this not Selfish?

Is it not Selfish to flaunt powers which thwart Others from being motivated into advancing deeper levels of Understanding?

Ideas of a storybook Super Hero are severely misguided.

The True Power, of a real Super Hero, is an unglamorous ability that is potentially available to all.

That Power is, Wisdom.

A Time Frame For Wisdom

What is, “Ancient Wisdom”?

Is there, “Modern Wisdom”?

Does Wisdom change
according to the time period?

Or is it rather a case of
True Wisdom, being Timeless.


True Wisdom is available
wherever and whenever
One is receptive.

Be Prepared

However Difficult One imagines the process of Awakening to be, know that this is merely the starting point of the Difficulty and is by no means the maximum level of Difficulty.

For there is no maximum level of Difficulty, One just Transcends being burdened by Difficulty.

Also be Aware, Creation is a Duality and Unpleasantness is eventually balanced with Pleasantness, if One is able to see it through.

When consistently approaching
the Wrong Conflict in the Wrong way,
is it any wonder that the Real Conflict,

is never resolved?

Pain And Torment

To those experiencing
seemingly endless
Pain and Torment.

Every morning
when you wake up,
promise yourself
to go to bed that night.


Continue this,
each and every day.

Wet Feet

So, you want to complain about Difficulty, when you have barely gotten your feet wet?

How about, you swim out into the deepest part of the Ocean, while enduring some of the most extreme and vicious storms that Nature can throw at you and then, allow your ego to drown in that Ocean?

After that, come back to me and talk about Difficulty.

The Confidence Trick

“I struggle with Confidence.”



What does Confidence
have to do with Competence?

What does Confidence
have to do with Courage?

What does Confidence
have to do with Integrity?

What does Confidence
have to do with Morality?

What does Confidence
have to do with Awareness?

What does Confidence
have to do with Truth?


Confidence is a contrived mask,
to hide deficiencies in real substance.

Individual Quality

Low Quality Individuals
compel Collectivism.

High Quality Individuals
encourage Individuality.

Low Quality Individuals
seek to feed off
High Quality Individuals.

High Quality Individuals,
understand the game.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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