A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Wisdom Of Conflict


A Conflict cannot be Resolved
if it is Suppressed or Prevented
from occurring in the first place.

Be it an Inner Conflict
or a Conflict with Others,
allow the Conflict to play out.


Suppressing Conflict,
Suppresses Resolution.

Suppressing Resolution,
Inhibits Understanding.


This does not imply
actively creating Conflict,
purely for the sake of Conflict.

This does not imply
initiating Violence
to Resolve a Conflict.

Perpetuating Failure

An inability to Understand
how the Universe works,
does not then imply
actions of some God.

An inability to Understand
how the Universe works,
ensures continuing mistakes
being made.


Understanding and Knowing
how the Universe works as a Whole,
is Wisdom.

Misconceptions Of Wisdom

“I’m Old, therefore I’m Wise.”


Wisdom is not a Quality
guaranteed by Age.

Wisdom is a Quality earned,
regardless of Age.

Wisdom, is Timeless.


Wisdom makes no claim
at being Wise.

Wisdom is self-evident,
once the benchmark
has been established.

Right And Wrong

Just because One is Right on some issues,
does not make One Right on all issues.

Just because One is Wrong on some issues,
does not make One Wrong on all issues.


Being Committed to Truth,
makes One Right more often than not.

Following Intuition

Following Intuition to suspect a Truth,
is a viable approach to take.

But do not stop there.

Engage the Conflict to delve deeper
and Understand why the Intuition is valid,
or not.

Proving A Negative

Proving a Negative may not be possible,
but Contradiction and Hypocrisy,
destroy any claims of Truth.

Limits Of Logic

The application of Logic and Reason,
is limited to One’s Understanding
and Awareness range.


How does One apply Logic and Reason
to aspects of Creation
that One does not Understand,
is Unaware or Wilfully Ignorant of?

Perception vs Reflection

It is very unsettling when One
Perceives themself as Beautiful,
but when confronted with a Mirror,
what is Reflected back, is Ugly.

(Metaphorically speaking)

The Question Mark (?)

When contemplating or meditating on an Inner Conflict,
observe it as an open Question,
without preference or expectation for an Answer.

Exponential Questions 3

As Understanding increases,
the more Questions are unveiled.


Also known as,
The Universal Law
of Understanding.

Deep Thinking

A goldfish can only swim
within the limits of its bowl.

Deep Thinking
is not possible within
Shallow Awareness.

Deep Awareness
is not achieved from
Deep Thinking.

Deep Thinking
is the result of
Deep Awareness.

Within a state of Deep Awareness,
the Thinking takes care of itself.

The state of Total Awareness,
has no room for Thinking.


The Imbecile and Divinity
share a common trait.

That is,
The Absence of Thought.

One’s Universal Contribution

When Learning,
One is not only helping
themself to Learn,
One is also helping
the Universe to Learn.

Every different perspective
is a contribution to
Universal Understanding.

Thus furthering,
Universal Knowing.

Understanding’s Many Pathways

Conflict is a Catalyst
to draw out Understanding.

Teaching is a Catalyst
to draw out Understanding.

Love is a Catalyst
to draw out Understanding.


is a Superficial Coating.

is drawn out from the Void
to Create Substance.

Algorithmic Hierarchy

The Human Physiological Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Human Emotional Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Human Psychological Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Individual Soul Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Universal Natural Algorithm,

Is Observed by



Problems come about
when Awareness is Subordinate to
the Human Psychological Algorithm
or Shallower.

The Deeper Awareness Resides,
the more Stable Awareness IS.

Judgement Or Evaluation? 1

“Oh No! People are judging me.”


Wait a moment.

It may not be Judgement
that is occurring,
but Evaluation.

Evaluating Substance.

Evaluating Resilience.

Evaluating Quality.

Evaluating Character.



One’s Pretend Worth,
is not the same as,
One’s Actual Worth.

What are You,
Actually Worth?

Critical Role 2

The Role of Valid Criticism,
is to Trigger Self-Reflection.

The value gained from the Self-Reflection,
is dependent on the Quality of the Individual.

A Beautiful Aching

Revision Log

  1. 07th Sep. 2024 – Judgement Or Evaluation? section added.
  2. 15th Sep. 2024 – Critical Role section added.
  3. 05th Oct. 2024 – Exponential Questions section added.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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