Consider an electrical circuit that has been designed and manufactured to comfortably operate at 1 Volt and it achieves what is required of it at this 1 Volt source input.
Consider an electrical circuit that has been designed and manufactured to comfortably operate at 1 Volt and it achieves what is required of it at this 1 Volt source input.
For reference purposes, the following list of Dualistic counterparts is presented. This is not a complete list, just a sampling.
Humans have Intelligence.
Humans are a part of Nature, an outcome of the Creation.
Supposedly, the Creation has no Intelligence. It is just some collection of accidental, random events that brought about the Creation.
Teaching is based on creating an environment and situation where a student’s innate Understanding and abilities are drawn to the surface, developed and refined.
Indoctrinating is where a predefined set of political, ideological or religious standards are programmed into a programming vessel, so the vessel can then regurgitate predictable responses and behaviours whenever stimulated to do so.
Wisdom Is Not The Books You Read.
Strength Is Not The Sword You Carry.
Grace Is Not The Crown You Wear.
These first few posts to this point, have set the foundation for what is to come. They have been an overview of the subject matter and the topics that are to be presented. There is a great amount of detail and nuance to investigate and this will develop with each subsequent post.
Tina’s song is great, but it is wrong. Love is not a “Second-hand Emotion”.
In fact, Love is not an Emotion at all.
Love is the driver of all Emotion and more.
The reason that this may feel like Heady Stuff is because of the natural inclination to “Work This Out”. Which is fine, because it is part of the process that leads to Understanding and this is the precursor to Knowing.