A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Comfortable Wolves?


There is a lot of merit in Tom’s “Comfortable Wolves” perspective and he should continue to present this case if he feels strongly about it.

However, unfortunately, there is a significant proportion of the population that are best described as, “Sheeple”.

Not because this is inherent to their underlying potential, but because no matter the amount of oppressive tyranny they find themselves subjected to, these people will not raise a finger in opposition to it.

Instead, they will deny the reality, refuse to admit that they have been deceived and prefer to go out with a whimper.

Or, they will assess the situation before them and cry in a whiny voice, “It’s all too hard”. Whilst proceeding to attack and ridicule those that choose to make a stand, no matter what may come at them.

Yet, A Beautiful Aching is directly aimed at the Comfortable Wolves, those that have decided…

Enough Is Enough!

The Question is, which one are You?

Since the Sovereign Human Being is not a Herd/Pack Animal, an alternative term to “Comfortable Wolves” that would be more applicable is,

Comfortable Tigers

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