A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Confusing Verbs With Nouns


Very often, One may confuse a role they fulfil with identification as that role.

For example, Being a Mother or Being a Father is a role that is fulfilled, but there is a profound difference with strongly and solely identifying as A Mother or as A Father. For these are superficial identifiers.

The importance of the role should not be dismissed and superficial identifiers serve a purpose. There simply need be a clear Awareness and distinction between the role and the Individual.

This distinction can even extend to Being a Woman or Being a Man. Rather than foundationally identifying as A Woman or as A Man.

To explicitly clarify for these particular examples, a gender role is not something an ego in a shallow Awareness state gets to choose. A psychologically and emotionally healthy biological Female is enacting Female roles. A psychologically and emotionally healthy biological Male is enacting Male roles.

The Individual though, is never a role.

The Individual is the Pre-Eminent Noun.

It could even be considered, that there is only one noun and that noun is, the Individual. Given the Individual is an Indivisible Duality; the manifest essence of Singularity.

All things are an expression of Singularity. So Singularity is Being a tree, Singularity is Being a chair, Singularity is Being a dog.

However, “Being” an Individual makes no sense, since all Human expression originates from the Individual.

Therefore, One cannot “Be” an Individual.

One IS an Individual.

Problems come about when Foundational Identity is attached to some superficial characteristic or a role enacted.

Considering all of this, there may be deeply pertinent and intentional reasoning behind the term, “Human Being.

Errors are compounded and magnified
the further Awareness moves away
from the source of the Error.

With this being especially True,
for Errors in Understanding.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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