A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Face The Darkness, Resolve The Darkness


The primary reason for issues such as obesity, drug abuse, alcoholism and others, is an unwillingness to face Emotional and Psychological Darkness.

When One is faced with Emotional and Psychological Darkness, attempts to make Oneself feel better may be undertaken, as an avoidance to dealing with the Emotional and Psychological Darkness itself.

Rather than trying to make Oneself feel better, directly face what is being felt and experienced.

Allow Awareness to Transition the difficulty through Darkness.

Giving opportunity for the Light of Consciousness, to Transmute it along the way.

Facing the Darkness
does not mean
Wallowing in Darkness.

A Succinct Summation

The manifestation of Evil in this world is a direct consequence of the cumulative unwillingness of Individuals to Face and Resolve the unfathomable depths of festering, putrid wounds, left by Unresolved Inner Conflicts compartmentalised within the Shadow Self.

Resulting in Awareness being pushed to an extreme separation from the Conscious Source.

Look Inward and Resolve the Inner Conflict, the Inner Darkness.

Thus helping to flush out and Resolve Evil in the process.

Darkness itself is not Evil.

Evil just chooses to hide
in the Darkness.

Whilst often proclaiming
to be the Light.


Ugly Word.

Ugly Concept.


“My mindless entertainment is not at a level
sufficient to keep me distracted.


I refuse to engage with the things
that are Hard and Difficult,
while I expect Others to resolve
those things that are Hard and Difficult.


Then, I expect Others to hand me the solutions
to the Hard and Difficult things on a silver platter,
so I can utilise them at my convenience.


Those solutions better not be Hard and Difficult.


Now leave me alone so I can distract myself from
all the things that are Hard and Difficult.



thanks you for your efforts.

Escapism often fantasises
about being the hero,
but rarely contributes to
anything creative or meaningful.

The Cycle Of Tyranny

In a Depleted or Degraded state of Awareness,
Today’s Victims become Tomorrow’s Tyrants.

History Repeats

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”


Only because past issues
have yet to be fully Resolved.

Resolve them
and Reveal a New Future.


All Resolution is found
on the Inner Path.

Useless Professions

A question to the Psychologists and Psychiatrists reading this, how is an Individual that has never experienced extreme, deep and prolonged Emotional and Psychological turmoil, supposed to help Another experiencing extreme, deep and prolonged Emotional and Psychological turmoil?

Experiencing extreme, deep and prolonged Emotional and Psychological turmoil is not an illness! It is a part of a Process!

One cannot guide Another through a Process, if they have not fully experienced the Process themself.

The vast majority of Psychologists and Psychiatrists are little more than Pretenders and Frauds.

Dishing out garbage psychotropic drugs to cover for their laziness and ignorance.

Extreme, deep and prolonged Emotional and Psychological turmoil is not a chemical imbalance!

(Mandatory Disclaimer. This is not health advice.)


Psychologists and Psychiatrists that would like to truly help clients that experience Emotional and Psychological turmoil, direct them to this site so they gain a foundational understanding of the Process.

Then offer to play a part as an objective observer, presenting suggestions and insights to their specific case in order to help them gain clarity and direction.

Also, learn from their experience of going through this Process to better assist Others and possibly Oneself.

This is all predicated on the condition that the Psychologist or Psychiatrist is familiar with the information provided on this blog.

A Stoic Facade

Appearing Stoic is not necessarily a representation of an incapability to feel extreme and intense Emotion, or of repressing Emotion.

A Stoic appearance may simply come about because Emotional intensity is so great, that the Physical Body just does not have the ability or capacity to express it.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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