A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

God’s Chosen Monsters


Matthew Hoh: Live From Israel
On How It Looks Like To Be In Israel

So, can we call this a Genocide yet?

Will any American have the gall to ever accuse anyone else of Human Rights Abuses?

Or will shameless hypocrisy continue?

But of course, carry on with the performance of how Religiously Righteous and Moral you all are.

Most of you encounter a slight bit of difficulty and then whine like little bitches. Or you bloviate at how magnificent you are, for overcoming such an inconsequence.

Genocide is what many of you unquestioningly support, or remain silent on.

Because we cannot have such things upset, “the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.

Remember this week, to Give Thanks, for being and supporting, the Tyrants of the World.

What has become glaringly clear now, is that few of you care, unless the Tyranny is directed at you.

So much for your, “Morality”.

There were no doubt, some Germans that stood up and opposed the Nazis in the thirties.

But guess what?

Very few, if any, are remembered.

What is remembered though, is Nazi Germany.

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