A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Health Care ≠ Medical Aid


Is poor health the result
of sickness and disease?

Or is sickness and disease
the result of poor health?

An actual Health Care Industry is not possible.

Because a genuine Health Care system would make itself obsolete long before it becomes an industry.

A massive Medical Industrial Complex can only be maintained and sustained if there is a large, constant supply of illness.

Health Care ≠ Medical Aid

Pharmaceutical companies
pedal the idea that poor health
is the result of the body being
deficient in patented drugs.

Blindly placing responsibility for One’s health
into the hands of governments and corporations,
invariably leads to the unsurprising
exploitation of One’s good faith.

Medical costs due to accident or misfortune are dwarfed by those for Self-Inflicted or Self-Induced causes.

How much more would be available for the truly needy, if it were not for so many actively destroying their own health through poor diet and lifestyle choices?

There is no need for more hospitals, doctors, nurses or other medical resources.

What is required, is Healthier Individuals.

Generally speaking, the Human Body
is not inherently prone to illness.

The Human Body requires
prolonged serious abuse
to be easily susceptible to illness.

Health Experts

The average Doctor
is just a legalised version
of a Drug Dealer.

Only not as Rich.


The average Psychologist
is of no greater value
than a Carnival Fortune Teller.

Only more Smugly Condescending.

Not Health Advice

A Doctor is of value if One has sustained an injury that requires medical expertise and intervention to address.

Relying on the average Doctor for Health advice, results in the accumulation of a drug haul that would make a Drug Dealer embarrassed.

Drug Profits

Pharmaceutical Drugs do not
provide One with Good Health.

At best, Pharmaceutical Drugs treat
the symptoms of Poor Health.


Curing Poor Health
Cures the Medical Industry
of their Devious Profits.

Pharmaceutical Industry

The Pharmaceutical Industry is
the Corporatisation of Snake-Oil Salesmen.


But of course, they will argue,
that they simple help the Sick.

by making them more Sick.

Because their profit motive
is based on, people being Sick.

Cure Or Cause 1

Instead of researching a Cure for Cancer, how about reframing the Question and researching the Cause of Cancer?

If the Cause is Resolved, then a Cure is unnecessary.

But there is little profit in that, is there?

Profits for Cancer charities.

Profits in ongoing research.

Profits in ongoing drug development.

Exorbitant Profits for drug sales.

Perpetually searching for a Cure, has multiple streams of Profit.

Why are Cancer treatments so expensive, when Cancer research charities have no doubt raised Billions of Dollars worldwide over the past forty years?

Do pharmaceutical corporations accept charity donations for research and then still charge for the cost of research?

Where has all this money gone?

This same pattern can be found in many other diseases and illnesses.

Perpetually searching for a Cure, is ridiculously more profitable, than Resolving the Cause.

So, any talk of your health or the health of your children, is just empty political rhetoric.

A Beautiful Aching

Revision Log

  1. 11th Feb. 2025 – Cure Or Cause section added.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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