A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Malicious Intelligence


Manipulation and Deception
are Revealers of Truth,
as much as they are
Concealers of Truth.

Maliciously deceitful and manipulative behaviour only exists within a specific Intelligence band.

Malicious Intelligence Zone

Those of Low-Level Intelligence cannot even conceive of deception, let alone possess the ability to construct a contrived and fallacious narrative. The area designated for this scope of Intelligence is shown in the conceptual diagram above.

While those of High-Level Intelligence, realise the misguided folly of operating from a nefariously disingenuous and conniving foundation. Again, as indicated above.

Instances of maliciously deceitful and manipulative practice only occur within Individuals of Mid-Level Intelligence.

However, this middle section is not exclusively made up of those with malevolent intent, it is simply the region in which they will appear. Most Individuals encompassed by this range, will generally exhibit a sincere and reasonable nature.

Also, Intelligence is not a fixed commodity, it is a characteristic which can be improved upon through deeper Self-Awareness.

The Fool

One should never be afraid
of looking The Fool.

One should just not aspire
to being The Fool.

Because it is when
One is afraid
of looking The Fool,
that One then
becomes The Fool.

Busily creating Distractions for Others,
becomes a major Distraction in itself.

Manipulating the Flaccid

Successful Manipulation and Deception
of the same Individual(s) over and over again,
naturally gives rise to a justifiable Contempt.


How can such a Flaccid existence be Respected at all?

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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