A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Nonsensical Numerology


Why is the Gregorian Calendar structured the way it is?

Why is there no meaningful structure to the Gregorian Calendar?

Why is the first day of a year positioned where it is?

Why is it not on a Solstice, or at least an Equinox? These seem to be more logical positions.

Why is the year broken down into 12 months?

Why does February only have 28 days, not including a leap year?

Why not take a day from any two months with 31 days and give it to February, so it has 30 regular days, like many other months?

Why is a week 7 days?

Is it only because some God, in some old book, was claimed to have created the Earth in 7 days?

What is the purpose of breaking up the year into weeks and months?

Why was it not broken up even further, creating another grouping of days?

Why is the foundational year of a calendar set to an Individual’s perceived birthday?

Why is the foundational year of the calendar not set to the birthday of the Buddha, or any other countless examples of Individuals presenting similar quality?

Why is the foundational year of the calendar not set to some tangible celestial reference or major planetary event?

Does the perceived structure of Time have an effect on the structure and stability of Human Psychology?

If the perception and measurement of Time has an arbitrary foundational framework, does that then effect Human Psychological foundational framework?

So what value is Numerology when a calendar is based on arbitrary premises?

Why do Numerologist only espouse cherry-picked examples of success, but never disclose Numerology’s many failures?

If a field of study is based on arbitrary and nonsensical premises, does that not make the field of study itself, nonsensical?

A Number only has Meaning
when Referenced to a
Foundationally Meaningful Baseline.

Distance To The Sun

What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun?

3? … 3 what?

7? … 7 what?

45? … 45 what?

1253? … 1253 what?

What value are Numbers, without any Meaningful Context?

(My brain hurts having to point out simple things like this. Considering there are no pain receptors in the brain, that’s quite a feat.)

False Equivalency

1 Apple ≠ 1 metre ≠ 1 mile ≠ 1 kilometre ≠ 1 kilogram ≠ 1 Newton ≠ 1 Volt ≠ 1 kilowatt.

The number 1 is common among all of the above measures, but none of them mean the same thing. None of them are equivalent.

1 inch = 25.4 millimetres.

1 is a different number to 25.4. Yet, the two measures above, are equivalent.

So how does Numerology resolve this, if numbers, all on their own, without context, have meaning?

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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