A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Not A Hero!


Warning! Graphic content of a man setting himself on fire.

Original Video Source.

How did this guy think that his stunt was going to help the people of Palestine?

He would have been far more helpful if he spent his time identifying the real issues of the Middle East and spreading them out to a wider audience.

This event will instead, do the Social Media rounds and then be forgotten is a week.

1 This is similar to the blackmailing behaviour of a petulant narcissist.

“Do as I say or I will harm myself.”

But with the righteous veneer of a Self-Seeking Martyr.

Obviously, Palestine was not the real issue going on here.

It seems very odd at how quickly Emergency Services arrived.

Additionally, what is with the police officer drawing his weapon and continuously pointing it at a person that has just set themself on fire, collapsed on the ground, not moving and not making a sound?

Granted, that this is most likely just operational protocol.

But what does it say about the quality of police officers and the state of Humanity, that an Individual cannot accurately assess a situation and use discernment to respond accordingly.

A more appropriate response would have been to either have a hand on his weapon or draw it by his side, while scanning the area for any other possible threats. Not be obsessed with the incapacitated guy on the ground that was being tended to by other officers.

Calling this event a Tragedy is being overly generous.

This is a Macabre Circus.

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