A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Perceptions And Realities


Clarity is the ability
to see, What IS.

Philosophy is blindly
guessing at what might be.

Perception itself does not create Reality.

But the Actions that result from Perception, do.

If Perception is founded on Truth and Clarity, then Truthful Actions result and a Truthful Reality is created.

If Perception is distorted away from Truth, then the Actions taken do not represent actual Reality and thus create a distortion of Reality.

  • Which feeds back to Perception.
  • That initiates additional false Actions.
  • Creating a further distortion of Reality.
  • Which feeds back to Perception…

What a Mess.

False Perception leads to False Reality.

Which leads to the eventual destruction of that False Reality.

Because that False Reality, is not Real.

The False Reality Feedback Loop

When Errors are continually being
fed back into a system and not corrected,
then those Errors will eventually
overload the system and crash the system.

Because Errors will not be allowed
to persist or spread indefinitely.

Truthful Perception
naturally leads to
Truthful Action.

Clarity has no need for
centralised autocratic control
to mobilise activity.

False Foundations

If the perceived foundation of One’s existence is based on a Lie,
then everything built on top of that foundation is a Lie.

Because Truth cannot be supported by False Foundations.


A sprinkling of Truth is required as bait for the Lie.
But too much Truth will overload and collapse the Lie.


Consciousness does not
calculate equations.

A Machine that processes an Algorithm,
calculates equations.

Sentience requires
a sufficient level of Consciousness.

An Algorithmic Process
that is calculating equations,
no matter how complex,
can never be Sentient
based on processing capacity alone.

The Universal Machine
and the Natural Algorithm
are born of Consciousness.

Consciousness is not born
from any Machine or Algorithm.

Sentience is not
a glorified Algorithmic Process.


Consciousness requires
no Machine or Algorithm
to be Conscious.


Sentience – The Capacity for Self-Awareness. The Capacity for Self-Reflection.

Simply being Aware of Physical and Emotional sensation is not Self-Awareness. Being Aware of the One that is Aware of Physical and Emotional sensation, is Self-Awareness.

(Supplemental to the definition given in the post Soul Consciousness.)

Artificial Unintelligence

So called, “Artificial Intelligence”,
cannot determine Truth.

Only Sentient Intelligence
is able to determine Truth.

what part of “Artificial Intelligence”,
is actually Intelligent?

Artificial Intelligence

How One becomes
Lazier and Dumber,
even Quicker.


How to produce copious amounts of
Mediocre, Mundane Dross
ever more quickly and efficiently.


Because that is what
this world needs more of.

Sentient Intelligence

The Capacity to determine Truth.


The Capacity to determine Truth
requires the potential to Transcend,
Division by Zero.

A more appropriate term for
“Artificial Intelligence”
would be, Algorithmic Generation.


At what point does a Tool
become a Hindrance or yet,
Cultivates Dependency?

What IS, IS

There is no need to believe,
speculate, postulate, hypothesise,
theorise, calculate or compute,
What IS.

What IS, IS.

Either One Sees
and Accepts What IS,
or One does not.

Simple as that.

Fallibility Of Hindsight

Hindsight is not necessarily 20/20.

Taking a certain course of Action, brings with it its own Supporting and Opposing forces, which will lead to a particular Outcome.

Taking a different course of Action, brings Supporting and Opposing forces which may be quite unlike the first course of Action, leading to another Outcome.

The balance and makeup of Supporting and Opposing forces will vary depending on the course of Action taken.

The point here being, is that Hindsight may not take into account differences in balance and makeup of Supporting and Opposing forces for an alternate course of Action.

Additionally, some of these forces may only make themselves known when a specific course of Action is instigated.

The reliability of Hindsight as a means to evaluate Actions and Outcomes should always be tempered, given its limitations to foresee variabilities in prevailing forces.

We cannot see, the road not taken.

Michael Bell, Bellular News

Responding To Truth

When One Sees and Accepts Truth,
One can then Respond to Truth.

If One does not See or Accept Truth,
then One cannot Respond to Truth.


When One Believes in Lies,
One then Reacts to Lies.

Seeing Truth, requires Awareness.

Belief, is a programmed condition.

Zombie La La Land

Those that have their “Reality” shaped by
Television and Corporate/Government Media,
are living in a Zombie La La Land.


The primary responsibility for this,
is not with these corrupt institutions,
but with the Zombies that buy into them.

Not Your Interests

When it comes down to it,
Corporate and Government Media
are simply mouth pieces for
Corporate and Government Interests.

Not really surprising or unexpected.


In other words,

Not Your Interests.

Psychological Contamination

Believing in Lies and Untruths
Contaminates the Psyche.

The Deeper the Belief
the Deeper the Contamination.


Belief itself is a
Psychological Contaminant.

Truth can be approached
from Infinite directions
and it will always be Truth.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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