A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Soul Consciousness



The information provided in this post is presented, as is. No proof is given and no logic or reasoning is laid out as validation; primarily because, currently, this is not possible.

One may come to this same perspective and Understanding, or variations of, through the course of their own pursuits, but no one can be made to see, what their eyes are not ready to see.

The best that can be achieved here is that when taken within the full context of the information provided on this blog, it can be seen that it fits with the greater, overall picture that is being painted.

This disclaimer may apply to any number of other posts, but it is particularly applicable here.

The Soul, A Very General Overview

Male Frontal - Level 5

The Individual Soul is a fragment of Singularity and like all fragments it is subject to the constantly shifting boundaries within Singularity. This means that it is not Infinite, it is not Eternal, but rather it comes into being, serves its time and purpose, then dissolves back into the Silent Stillness of the Void. Enriching the Whole with all that it has gained through its existence and experiences.

As with all things within Singularity, a Soul is essentially an Algorithm, with its birth and initial development occurring around and on a planetary body. Generally, a planetary body that has the capacity to sustain at least one Sentient life form.

This development is achieved by means of Incarnation through those Sentient life forms and also in Non-Incarnate states around the planetary body itself. Both Incarnate and Non-Incarnate Souls provide a structural and stabilising influence to the energetic forms that support all life on the particular planet in question.

There is also a population ratio that is maintained between Incarnate and Non-Incarnate Souls and the exact proportion is dependent on the health and/or development of the Sentient life form(s) itself.

A degraded or less developed Sentient life form requires a greater number of Non-Incarnate Souls to exist at any given time, relative to the number of Incarnate Souls. This is because of the need for more controlled and structured energy forms to assist in stabilising the overall system, with the Incarnate Souls already having quite a task in maintaining the stability of the physical expression that each manifest through.

The Incarnate/Non-Incarnate sequence resembles the Wake/Sleep patterns of a Human Being, with one life of a Human Being resembling a single Wake/Sleep cycle of the Soul. Also, the length of a Souls life is variable from Soul to Soul, just like there is varying lengths of life between Individual Humans. Some Souls expire young, while others grow and develop through the perceived equivalent of millions of years, if not longer.

As a reflection of Human life, there are many threats to a Souls existence, especially when young. These are mitigated as the Soul develops and strengthens, but are never eliminated.

A Soul is strengthened through incarnations and the greater the adversity that can be overcome in each incarnation, the greater the Understanding and Knowing that is gained and hence the more robust and resilient the Soul becomes.

Once developed to a sufficient capacity, Souls may transition from one planetary body to another and Incarnate on those through the different Sentient life forms found there.

An example of this is Earth. It is predominantly occupied by Souls that are not indigenous. Meaning, that they have come from other places and planetary bodies. However, once a Soul is caught up in Earth’s karmic cycle, leaving is not so easy, due to Earth’s quarantine status. (Given how volatile and unstable most Individuals can get from relatively minor disruptions, is this any surprise?)

In many ways the Soul behaves like a multifaceted lens for Consciousness with each Soul being a finite fractal expression of Singularity. It is essentially the Whole contained within a fragment of the Whole.

The greater the Understanding
achieved in this lifetime,
the better the platform for the Soul
in subsequent incarnations.


While One is still breathing,
it is not too late.


Sentience or Sentient Life Form – A biological organism that has the capacity to connect with and incarnate an Individual Soul. This equates to an ability/capacity to Self-Reflect; or stated differently, be Self-Aware of One’s Individuality.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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