A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Teaching vs Indoctrinating



Teaching is based on creating an environment and situation where a student’s innate Understanding and abilities are drawn to the surface, developed and refined.

The methodology for this is where the teacher presents the student with the teacher’s own Understanding and abilities, in a manner that will stimulate and inspire the student to learn and develop these same Understandings and abilities, from their own perspective.

The ultimate goal being, that at some point in time the student will attain the same level of Understanding as that of the teacher and eventually surpass the teacher. Hence, becoming a teacher themself and continuing the cycle.

This is how the natural Human experience develops and grows.


Indoctrinating is where a predefined set of political, ideological or religious standards are programmed into a programming vessel, so the vessel can then regurgitate predictable responses and behaviours whenever stimulated to do so.

One of the methodologies used to achieve this is through exhaustive repetition. Where the programming vessel must either repeat mind numbing operations or be exposed to repetitious statements and actions. To the point that when prompted for a response, the vessel automatically expels or enacts what is required of them without question or any thought of dissension.

To make this even more effective, physical, emotional or psychological manipulation techniques can be utilised if the vessel does not produce the required response in a manner that satisfies those manipulating the indoctrination process.

This then sets up a behavioural pattern that whenever a vessel is presented with a condition or situation that is opposed or not within the framework of their programming, they may react in a very emotional or even violent manner.

The most effective results are produced when the indoctrination process is initiated on a programming vessel that is in the infant stages of development and rigorously continued on into early adulthood. Then systematically reinforced throughout the lifetime of the programming vessel.

At no point is the vessel to ever challenge those that oversee the indoctrination process.

At no point is the vessel to ever exceed the authority of those that oversee the indoctrination process.

The programming vessel will always be a programming vessel, until the time comes that their limited understanding and abilities are no longer required, upon which they will be discarded or even disposed of.

Indoctrination will often obscure itself by hiding behind the masks of “teaching” and “schooling”, because what semi-sane Individual would knowingly send their children to be “educated” in an Indoctrination Centre?

Teaching is a process of drawing out, developing and refining innate, natural Understanding from within.

Indoctrinating is programming and enforcing a predefined political, ideological or religious standard from without.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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