A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Anti-Authoritarian Party



We interrupt the regular scheduled programming
to bring you this political message.

The Anti-Authoritarian Party (A.A.P.) of <insert country name here> exists for the sole purpose of making ourselves extinct, with the intent of never being resurrected again. Ever!

The way we would like to achieve this goal is by gaining public support, through the ballot box, to deconstruct the authoritarian systems that have infested our great country like a cancer and disguised themselves as Freedom and Liberty, by incessantly using words like “Safety”, “Security” and “Democracy” whenever describing these same oppressive policies and systems.

We see that the time of centralized authoritarian political power structures is fast coming to an end and that ending can either be chaotic and destructive to Humanity or it can be achieved in a controlled, peaceful and organised manner.

Stupidly, we prefer the controlled, peaceful and organised option.

We wish to dismantle the functions and services that authoritarian political power structures have monopolised for themselves and either abolish them altogether, or pass them on to private individuals and organisations, so they may offer them to the public in the spirit of healthy economic co-operation and competition.

So, what are we up against in our vigilant quest?

Introducing The Commi-Fascist

We would now like to take this opportunity to introduce people to an animal that, over many centuries, has been the source of great turmoil in this world. While at the same time deflecting responsibility for its countless crimes and failures.

We would like to introduce, The Commi-Fascist.

This strange beast may be unfamiliar to most by this particular name, as this creature is extremely schizophrenic by nature and likes to masquerade as a “Communist” or a “Fascist” as if they were two completely separate and different animals. But really, they’re not.

The Commi-Fascist likes to pretend that it is the opposite of what it actually is and thus aggressively and sometimes violently, attacks those that most resemble it or try to expose it. So it is best for the untrained not to hold a mirror up to these creatures, as this infuriates them no end. These are such hideous beasts that not even they can stand the sight of their own reflection, without having a violent episode.

The Commi-Fascist’s scientific classification is, Politicus Hypocriticus.

Like a chameleon, changing its name to suit its political surroundings is an adaptive measure and the Commi-Fascist has gone by many aliases over the course of Human history. But what it cannot change and what the Commi-Fascist can always reliably be identified by, is its base authoritarian nature.

Over time, the Commi-Fascist has developed a sophisticated hunting style, in which it no longer presents itself in its true form of horns and a pitch-folk. Instead, it has now refined a technique that has it stealthily approach its timid prey, while creating a pretence of caring and only wishing to help and serve its bedazzled victim. But this ruse is maintained only long enough to subdue its target into a sense of false security, until it finally exposes itself with its vicious nature. However, by then, it is often too late to save the helpless and thoroughly dependent vassal.

The Commi-Fascist is a binary pack animal, which means together they play a “Good Cop”, “Bad Cop” routine to set the trap for their next, unsuspecting conquest.

One tried and tested game, that delivers a very high success rate, is the “Political Power Spectrum”. This is a devious creation which has one end occupied by the “Communists” and the other end by the “Fascists”. Then once in position, they proceed to squabble amongst themselves, attempting to herd everyone else into the middle of their quagmire.

But what is not immediately obvious, is that there really is no “middle” in this game and the reason for that, is the fact that these are essentially both the same extremes. There is no real difference between the two of them, even though the game is played as if there were.

Both are authoritarian by nature, so taking a middle position means choosing half of one authoritarian system and half of the other authoritarian system, which in total, still amounts to one full authoritarian system.

And that is their trick!

Even if a different position on this spectrum is taken, the total is still, one full authoritarian system. Whether that is a 25/75 percent mix or a 75/25 percent mix, the total is still, one full authoritarian system.

It’s all in the math, people.

It’s like having a colour spectrum that is book-ended with two slightly different shades of poo brown. Well, with such a system, every position within that spectrum is going to be a shade of poo brown. Is it not?

This means that you’re going to get shafted, while swimming in poo, no matter where you choose to pitch your tent. There is virtually no escaping this playing arena, once it has been entered.

So, here’s a tip for young players…

Don’t play this game, it’s a trap!

Join Our Common Cause

Now that we have introduced ourselves and what we are up against, we hope that you are encouraged to join us in our valiant endeavours, so we may all see a truly strong, free and prosperous Humanity in our lifetime.

Finally, please take a moment to read what some of our members have to say.

Authoritarians often use victim-hood status
as a justification for the oppression of Others.

One cannot have Power over One’s own life,
if One is not Responsible for One’s own life.

Voting for “Leaders”, is Psychological Acquiescence.

It is abdicating responsibility for One’s own life,
while creating the illusion of power.

Authoritarians will often feign
concern and caring for others,
when their agenda requires.

But it’s surprising the speed
at which all that disappears,
when the next war needs to be sold.

What right does another person have,
to use a third party, such as government,
to enforce their own values,
beliefs and opinions onto you?

Voting in a “democracy”, is doing just that.

If Authoritarians know that there are certain
situations where Authoritarian action
is acceptable to those they wish to subjugate;

What then is to stop them from

actually creating those situations?

When assessing the actions of government,
three things should be considered,

1. Incompetence is a given.
2. Corruption is highly likely.
3. Maliciousness must always
be suspected.

Because this is the nature of those
that are attracted to Authoritarian positions.

The government is good at one thing.
It knows how to break your legs and then
hand you a crutch and say,

“See, if it weren’t for the government,
you wouldn’t be able to walk.”

Harry Browne

When governments and corporations
offer products and services for “free”,
it is equivalent to the farmer
feeding his farm animals, for “free”.

Government’s farming operations provide it with,


Multiple extortion-based revenue streams.

A reliable source of cannon fodder.

All the useful idiots it could ever need
to attack and suppress dissent.

And a herd that believes Government
serves their interests.


What a magnificent grift.

Government is a criminal
organisation and operation,
that has managed to legalise itself.


Government does not exist
for your benefit.

Governments are nothing more
than Gatekeepers
for Special Interest Groups.

Politicians will identify the
things You care for and love,
then concoct ways to
use them against You.

All for the purpose
of gaining more Power
and Control over You.

Political Promises are paid for
from your wallet at exorbitant cost.

Beware of Politicians Bearing Gifts.


Could you be paying for
your or your children’s
enslavement or eradication?

A Socialist is nothing more
than a Commi-Fascist Wolf
in Sheep’s clothing.

Civilised societies
do not require governments.

Only uncivilised societies
require governments.

Authorised by
The Anti-Authoritarian Party of <insert country name here>
Written and produced by
A Beautiful Aching, for Humanity’s Anti-Authoritarian Party

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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