A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Meaning Of Context


Q. What gives a measuring device,
such as a ruler, Context?

A. Zero! Without zero
the measuring device is useless.


Q. What gives a measuring device Meaning?

A. The units. Without the units
the measured values are
nothing more than arbitrary numbers.

One must be Aware of where zero is and its relation to the measured value, such as the units, to have any meaningful frame of reference for the Subject being measured.

Meaning comes when defining the Subject relative to and in terms of the Context.

Understanding comes when there is a comprehension of Meaning.

Awareness anchored at the Source/Singularity gives One’s life true Context and Meaning.

Awareness that is not anchored at the Source/Singularity is like a point in a co-ordinate system that is oblivious to its own origin.

“Who am I?”; “What am I?”; “Where am I?”; “What is this place?”.

It is Lost.

Meaning of Context

Searching For…

Philosophy is the search for…

Science is the search for…

Religion is the search for…


Q. What does One call it
when the search ends?

A. A Discovery.


Q. How does One Express
the Discovery?

A. Through Definition
and Description.


Q. And what is Ultimately
being searched for?

A. Context and Meaning.


Singularity itself is not in search of anything.

Singularity is the Observer and the Observed.

For Singularity to be conducting a search, presupposes what is to be found.

Singularity has no expectation for what is to be found.

Singularity simply Observes and allows the Discovery to unfold.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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