A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Spring Scale Analogy

Polarity Scale

Consider a spring-loaded bathroom scale. This scale, like many of its type, has a rotating disk with markings on its surface which reference certain weight values. Above this disk sits a transparent viewing window with a thin line, usually red, etched centrally onto its surface and its purpose being to indicate the relevant weight value on the rotating dial below.

As an object of a certain mass is placed on to this scale, the dial rotates anti-clockwise from its zero position to the appropriate value that represents the weight of the item placed on it. Then once the item is removed, the dial rotates clockwise, back to the indicated zero position.

Now, let’s make some modifications to this scale (refer to the associated image). Instead of having the freedom to only move anti-clockwise from zero, the dial can also move clockwise from the zero position. Furthermore, let’s assign the term “Positive” to values to the right of the zero and “Negative” to values to the left and these values will denote Intensity rather than Weight.

So essentially, the zero designates the central position of the disk, with Positive and Negative values on opposite sides and the disk can rotate in either direction.

In the nominal position, the red etched line on the surface of the viewing window sits above the zero mark on the dial. If some type of Positive element is placed on this scale, the dial will move anti-clockwise and rest at the point that represents the Intensity of this Positive element. The magnitude of the Intensity will be indicated by the value on the dial that lies directly below the red etched line.

If this same process was to be repeated with a Negative element, then the magnitude of its Intensity would be shown with the dial moving clockwise to the appropriate value.

The red etched line, in this case, portrays what is meant by the term “Detachment”. It has no preference in the direction that the dial rotates, nor does it have a partiality for the Intensity value which is presented to it. In a sense, it is simply Aware of the Polarity and magnitude of Intensity offered by the rotating disk.

Emotions are a valuable indicator and feedback mechanism for the Polarity and Intensity of certain Energy states. Neither Emotional polarity is “Good” or “Bad”, although they can be accurately described as being Pleasant and Unpleasant.

Acceptance of suffering has nothing to do with “coping mechanisms” and other such adulterations. It is about genuinely experiencing what is being genuinely presented, without any attempt to dissipate or morph the Emotional experience in any way.

Also, activities like self-flagellation which intentionally induce suffering upon Oneself are unhelpful. They are a senseless practice encouraged by psychotic Individuals.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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