A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Structure Of Integrity


Integrity in the context of a physical construction, such as a bridge or a building, refers to the structures capacity to support not only its own weight, but also its ability to support loads that are place on to it.

If the structure has the ability to hold itself together while carrying loads that are within or even beyond its design targets, then it can be said that the structure has Integrity.

If the structure is unable to support even its own weight or shows signs of failure under loads that are far less than its design targets, then the structure can be considered to be of poor Integrity.

A structure that is of poor Integrity is deemed ineffective and unsafe because it is seen as a danger to all other objects around it.

In the Human context, those Individuals that express genuine Integrity will carry their loads and burdens safely and effectively, not capitulating and destroying themself or those around them.

While those that lack Integrity will crumble in on themself and seek to off load their own burdens and responsibilities on to others. They may also make claims about themself that cannot be substantiated, in an attempt to project a false facade, as they blame others for their own deficiencies and failings.

This, at its core, is an Expression of an inability to cope with the burden and Intensity of the Inner Conflict.

Just because One maybe experiencing “Hell” does not mean One must be corrupted by it.

Those that have Integrity will not only endure the suffering that comes from the Inner Conflict, but will Transcend it.

Those that lack Integrity will succumb and capitulate to the suffering and be corrupted by it.

Thus, “Hell” plays its role in separating the wheat from the chaff.

Ultimate Integrity does not simply carry the load or bear the burden, but Transcends it, to the point that it becomes effortless.

One can appear to have Integrity when there is no load being applied. However, the true test comes, when considerable duress is encountered.

The Question is, can One bear the load, the burden and achieve Transcendence, without intoxicating or destroying the experience as a way to avoid the suffering?


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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