A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Weather And Energy


There seems to be some angry scepticism surrounding the possibility of “creating” weather. Primarily due to the massive amount of Energy required to produce weather phenomena such as hurricanes.

Some arguments accurately state that it is impossible for current human technology to generate the required Energy.

This is not the point.

Firstly, the Energy to induce a process is often far less, than the Energy derived from the process. It requires far less Energy to pull the trigger of a gun, than is experienced at the end of the barrel. Also, pushing a rock down a hill, may result in an avalanche that can destroy everything in its path.

Within an electromechanical system, control and signalling energy requirements are generally always far less than that required for actuation power. Or expressed in a more familiar way, the Energy required to signal your muscle to contract, is far less than the energy required to contract the muscle itself. Especially when lifting heavy items.

It is also worthy to note, that a pig can be manoeuvred with a plywood board.

Secondly, no Sentient Being in the entire Universe has or will ever, produce or create Energy. Energy is either converted from one form to another, or it is redirect in its expression.

Energy = Consciousness.

Similar to the way that thoughts cannot conceive of Consciousness, because thought itself is downstream of Consciousness, an entity within the Universe cannot create Energy, because the whole Universe itself is downstream of Energy. The Universe is formed from the foundation of Energy. The Universe is the result of Energy Flow.

Energy is all around. everywhere, within everything.

The question may then arise, “Well, where is all this energy?”.

This is analogous to a fish swimming in the ocean asking, “Where’s all the water?”.

It is not a question of whether certain entities within this world can generate or create enough Energy to produce a hurricane, but whether they have discovered ways to manipulate Energy Flow to produce such an outcome, under the appropriate conditions.

Of course, manipulating Energy Flow from its natural course, may have its own ramifications. Every action has a reaction, but it is not always equal. The principles underlying mechanical advantage prove this.

Finally, the atomic bomb was impossible, until it wasn’t.

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