Wisdom Is Not
The Books You Read.
The premise of Wisdom is built on the foundational recognition of the interplay between Dualistic aspects, without any preference for either counterpart.
Light/Positive and Dark/Negative support and aid each other in the advancement of Life and Understanding. Just like the Inward and Outward breath promotes and advances the life and health of the physiological body.
Darkness can be considered unpleasant and difficult, but this in and of itself is not inherently “Evil”.
Light can be considered pleasant and comfortable, but this again does not make it inherently “Good”.
It is the denial of this symbiotic relationship from either side that initiates a corruption and if the denial is strong enough, then what is referred to as “Evil” ensues.
It is not always recognised
that the Self-Righteous
can be just as Evil as the Wicked.
For instance, forcing an Outward only breath would soon create an unbearable situation for the physiological body and eventually, natural mechanisms would override this condition, causing an involuntary Inward breath.
This involuntary Inward breath would then need to be deep and intense to counteract the effects of the unnaturally prolonged Outward breath. In turn, the body’s physiological systems would be in a state of upheaval for a period of time, attempting to reach a natural, dynamic equilibrium once again.
If adamant and persistent in pursuing this course, all manner of perverse actions may be utilised in exclusively promoting the Outward breath, each resulting in failure and each failure requiring a more drastic response. Ultimately, the only way to destroy the Inward breath is to also destroy the Outward, which obviously means death to the physiological body itself.
Conversely, the same holds true.
Wisdom does not favour the Outward breath, nor the Inward, but allows for the natural flow of one into the other, unhindered.
One that is Sane never feels
joy at the suffering of Another.
One that is Wise understands that suffering
is sometimes the Nature of Things.
So, in terms of Dualistic counterparts, it seems more appropriate to counter-pose Evil with Wisdom rather than “Good”.