A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Worshipping Insanity


Imagine any other Individual
acting in the same way and
making the same demands of you,
as your God does.

Would you not consider
that Individual, Insane?

So, what do you actually Worship?

Valentine’s Day Idea

Wondering how to show that special someone,
that you love and respect them deeply?

Have an image or symbol of them
being tortured, hanging on your wall
or as jewellery around your neck.

It works for Christians.


Christianity does not Glorify Christ.

Christianity Mocks Christ.

Christianity Disgraces Christ.

Satanic Religions

All Religions are Satanic.

Because only Satanic Entities and Individuals
are so Parasitically Insecure and Pathetic,
that they Crave the need
to be Glorified and Worshipped.


The Defining Feature
of any Satanic Entity,
is that it is Parasitic.

Slow Realisation

How long has it taken for many to realise
that Government does not and has never,
primarily worked for their best interests?

How long is it going to take for many to realise
that Religion does not and has never,
primarily worked for their best interests?


Eventually, Uncomfortable Realities
will need to be faced.

Opinion Is Not Truth!

There are no Opinions about Truth!

Either, One Understands
and Knows Truth,
or One does not.

It is not an Opinion on whether
the Laws of Physics are Valid within
the Context in which they are Defined.

The Laws of Physics do not require
a Belief in them, to Validate them.

In fact, Belief in the Laws of Physics
is completely irrelevant.

Either, One Understands
and Knows these Laws,
or Ones does not.


Religious Opinion Is Not
Understanding and Knowing Truth!

Sovereignty Means

Being Subordinate to some God
means that you are not Sovereign.


Sovereignty means,
A Sovereign.

Sweet Poison

The term “God” may imbue some
with Pleasant and Comfortable feelings,
but Poison is more easily ingested
with a Sweet and Delightful flavour.


The term “God” is laden
with so much Poison,
that it is best left alone.

Spirituality ≠ Religion

Religion is a Parasite
that has attached itself
to Spirituality.


Spirituality ≠ Religion.

True Discovery

What is actually important,
is a Strong Spiritual Identity,
flowing from Deep Self-Awareness.

Religious Identity is the facade,
Indoctrinated from young,
to hinder True Discovery.


Spirituality ≠ Religion.

Independent Understanding

Independently verifying
and confirming the Grander Truth,
whilst using the work of Others as a reference,
is a perfectly valid approach to take.

Constantly regurgitating the work of Others,
only demonstrates One to be a fraud.

It is the Pseudo-Scholar’s forte,
to be constantly regurgitating old scriptures.

Good People

These incessant attacks on Religion, particularly Christianity, are not because of any animosity toward Religious people.

Most Religious people, are Good People.

It is just disappointing to watch Good People being so grossly deceived.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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