A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Freedom Is Not, No Rules


“I do not want to be bound by Rules.”


It may be surprising to realise,
that One is always Bound by Rules.

The Universe itself,
is Founded on Rules.

There are Rules to Dictate,
if a Seed Sprouts.

There are Rules which Govern,
when the Rains Fall.

There are Rules that Regulate,
how the Flower Blooms.

There are Rules to Determine,
should One be Born.

There are Rules which Guide,
One’s direction through Life.

There are Rules that Discern,
when One finds Death.


The Idea of No Rules,
does not Gift One with Freedom.

The Idea of No Rules,
Drags One into a Nightmare.

Freedom is not,
No Rules.

is the opportunity to navigate a path,
toward Singularity.

A Universe Of Rules

The Universe has Rules
for every detailed Expression.

Yet then somehow
does not have Rules,
for Human Behaviour?

Universal Fundamentals

The Universe is Fundamentally

But somehow, Humanity feels the need
to be managed and controlled.


Foundations, Not Systems

There is no “Right System” to fix a Degrading and Dysfunctional Society.

A Degrading and Dysfunctional Society is not the result of Systemic Failure.

Systemic Solutions cannot fix a Foundational Problem.

The Foundational Problem, in a Degrading and Dysfunctional Society, is Poor Quality Individuals.

There is no System that can compensate for Poor Quality Individuals.

To fix a Degrading and Dysfunctional Society, improve the inherent Quality of the Individual.

Regurgitating God Nonsense or Spewing Ideology, does not make for High Quality Individuals.

High Quality Individuals will create High Quality Societies.

Systems and Crutches

A System is obviously required to improve the Quality of Individuals, but the System should never be seen as anything other than a tool.

A particular System may be able to elevate the Quality of Individuals to a certain level, but might stall and fail to reach subsequent levels.

In such a case, change the System.

Never become dependent on a System.

Develop and utilise Systems like rungs on a ladder.

At the highest level, the Individual will eventually need to let go of all Systems and all Crutches, before realising the state of Singularity.

Poison Wishes 1,3

Humanity already has available all it needs, for Individuals around the world to be healthy and prosperous.

Humanity does not need exotic technologies or access to more abundant energy sources.

Instead, Humanity is extremely careless and wasteful in its use of resources.

Is a Society supposed to be measured by how much cheap, disposable crap it produces and is amused by?

In fact, given Humanity’s dismal state of Consciousness, having exotic technologies or access to more abundant energy sources, would only accelerate Humanity’s destruction.

Currently, Humanity cannot handle, exotic technologies or access to more abundant energy sources. Because insanity is not cured, with exotic technologies or access to more abundant energy sources.

If One allows Insane Psychopaths
to rule over them or in their name,
how is One then to be categorised?

Sovereignty Means Sovereignty 4

One cannot be a Sovereign Individual,
if One is a Slave to Material Wealth.


Who or what,
is your master?

Tyrannical Power Balance 6

Weak Individuals
lead to
Strong Government.

Strong Individuals
lead to
Weak Government.


Weak or even no Government,
should be the objective.

Government Rights 7

A Government exists solely
at the pleasure of Sovereign Individuals.

Paradoxically, true Sovereign Individuals
are quite capable without Government.


From a Universal Context,
Governments have no Rights.

From a Universal Context,
Governments are not Sovereign.

Psychological Cripple 5

Abdicating Individual Sovereignty to some God,
ensures One remains a Psychological Cripple.

Forging Generations 2

A True Leader
does not seek to amass Followers.

A True Leader
Forges Sovereign Individuals.

A Beautiful Aching

Revision Log

  1. 22nd Aug. 2024 – Poison Wishes section added.
  2. 22nd Aug. 2024 – Forging Generations section added.
  3. 31st Aug. 2024 – Minor wording changes made to Poison Wishes section.
  4. 18th Sep. 2024 – Sovereignty Means Sovereignty section added.
  5. 26th Sep. 2024 – Psychological Cripple section added.
  6. 02nd Oct. 2024 – Tyrannical Power Balance section added.
  7. 14th Oct. 2024 – Government Rights section added.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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