A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Trust And Value



You are obviously
a product of the Universe.

Therefore, if the Universe
did not want You to exist,
You would not exist.

Given then, that the Universe
requires Your existence,
the Universe will hence provide,
for Your existence.

On condition,
You fulfil the requirements,
of a Sentient Individual.


What are the requirements
of a Sentient Individual?

Resolving Conflict
in a manner that contributes
to greater Understanding.

The Question Mark (?).

Trust, Not Faith

Faith, is akin to Hope.

Faith and Hope imply a Fear
that certain events will not result in
any adverse effects on Oneself
or those One cares for.


Trust, is Powerful.

Trust recognises that the Universe
will unfold as it should
and One will play their part
to Confront and Resolve
any adversity that may arise.

Seeking Reward

Seeking Reward for “good deeds”
is a distorted perspective.

You are not a dog requiring
Reward for obedience.

You are Infinite Consciousness.
So who is there to Reward you?

When living the life of a Sentient Individual,
the Universe will provide for your existence.

With greater Understanding,
being its own Reward.

The entire Universe is your playground.

So what value are any of your trinkets.

True Value

The Value of an Individual,
does not correlate to
the Value of One’s bank account.

In fact, in many cases,
it is inversely proportional.

While those that Value their bank account
more highly than the Quality of themself,
are destitute in True Value.

As for those that Value nothing;
what can be said?


True Value is not something One obtains.

True Value is something One IS.

Worthy Of Heaven

Heaven is not Found in
the opposite direction of Hell.

Heaven is Discovered,
when One drags themself through
and out of the Bowels of Hell.

Only then, is One Worthy of Heaven.


Creating an External Hell,
only leads to destruction.

Journeying through
and transmuting the Inner Hell,
culminates into the state of Heaven.


If One is yet to encounter any Sustained
Deeply Meaningful Pain, Difficulty and Suffering,
then One has not yet Embarked on the Journey.


Consider spending years
dragging yourself up a mountain,
toward a cloud layer that presumably
obscures the peak.

But upon breaching this cloud layer,
it is apparent there is no peak insight,
only another cloud layer,
which is twice as far away
as the distance just crossed.

Now image what it is like
going through this scenario,
over and over again.


Would you give up?

Could you give up?

Good Intentions

One may join the military, police force or obediently engage in actions dictated by a perceived authority, based on “Good Intentions”.

But without sufficient levels of Awareness and Understanding, “Good Intentions” may well be manipulated to the detriment of Oneself and/or Others.

“Good Intentions” are not enough.

A Beautiful Aching

Revision Log

  1. 18th Sep. 2024 – Good Intentions section added.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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