A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Subservient To Illusion


An important thing to recognise; Government Does Not Exist, Government Is Not Real, Government Is An Illusion.

Government, is purely a mental construct.

There is no aspect of Nature or Creation that is the layer or level of Government.

Accepting Government as real, is a trance state that is induced through indoctrination from a young age. Ensuring the idea is neurologically hard-wired into the brain during development, making it more difficult to resolve.

Any perceived actions of Government, are not the actions of an actual Government, they are the actions of Individuals impersonating Authority.

It is Individuals that must be held to account for their actions, not some pretend Government.

Therefore, if Government Is Not Real, then the Power of Government Is Not Real.

So, the Power of Government, is also, an Illusion.


Replace the word, “Government” from the preceding assessment, with the word, “Religion” and the same holds true.

Ignorance of Truth and Natural Law,
is no defence against Justice and Restitution.

Nature has no Statute of Limitation.

Convenient Regional Locations

British Mafia Headquarters

10 Downing Street and the
Parliament of the United Kingdom.


United States Mafia Headquarters

The White House and the
United States Congress.


European Mafia Headquarters

European Commission
and the European Parliament.


Australian Mafia Headquarters

The Lodge and the
Parliament of Australia.


etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

The Delusions Of Politics

Those thinking, all that is needed
is for their side to win an election and
everything will be fine, are delusional.

The changes that are actually required
are far, far greater and deeper than political.

Nothing short of a complete and total
personal overhaul will suffice.

Oh, and material wealth will not save you.

Centralised Tyranny


The Private Formation
and Ownership of Capital.

In other words,
The Government Does Not Own You.


(Communism/Fascism/Socialism Etc.)

Centralised Formation
and Ownership of Capital.

In other words,
The Government Owns You.


What is Government going to do with you,
when it no longer has a need for you?

Political Stepping Stones

Nationalism is not the antithesis of Globalism.

Nationalist political structures are merely
stepping stones toward Globalist political structures.

Political structures are nothing more than farm infrastructure.

A true Individual does not blindly cheer for the
sheep station or cattle ranch that they happen to reside in.

Minus The Bullshit

Government: I will take your money and after my exorbitant expenses, I will give you table scraps in return.

Individual: But I don’t want table scraps.

Government: SHUT UP! Did I say you had a choice in the matter? I will take your money and after my exorbitant expenses, I will give you table scraps in return and you better be grateful.

Government is a Parasite,
that feeds off Society.

Political Systems

Political Systems are a
top-down management structure.

Even though, some Political Systems
may falsely present as otherwise.

Political Systems are a Reflection
of the Population being managed.

Poor quality Population means
poor quality Political System,
regardless of what that system is.

Political Systems themselves
do not create Exceptional Societies,
nor Exceptional Individuals.

Exceptional Individuals
Exceptional Societies.

Zero Self Reflection.

The Defining Trait of Vampires.

Tom Luongo

Taking Back

Political Actors do not have any
Real Individual Power of their own.

They simple ride the Inertia Wave
of all the Political Power that has been
rolled up into Political Institutions.


Maybe it is time to divest
Political Institutions of their Power?

Democratic Rulers

Even if One were to buy into
this idea of Democracy,
is it the intent of Democracy
to elect Rulers or even Leaders?

Democracy is sold on the idea
of electing Representatives.
Not installing Leaders
and most definitely not Rulers.

Yet once in power, those elected,
behave like entitled despots.

If this is Democracy,
then Democracy is insane.


Representatives are intended to be
subservient to those they serve.

So, where in the world,
does an actual Democracy exist?

Qualified Incompetence

Not qualified or competent to
clean toilets for a living?

Become a Politician
or Senior Bureaucrat.


Apply Now,
at any
Western Country.

Political Functionaries

When Political Functionaries are no longer able to receive directives from competent overlords and masters, they are forced to operate from their own unremarkable intellect and abilities.

This is often reflected in very erratic and confused behaviour. Exposing poor individual qualities and incompetence for all to see.

Observers then point out the startling reality that,

“The Emperor has no clothes.”

Political Infidelity

A Politician engaging in Infidelity,
is not a primary issue for concern.

The predominant quandary arises,
because the Politician willingly betrays
a spouse and children in the process.

Thus deceiving the very Ones
they supposedly most care about.


If a Politician so easily disregards,
those seemingly most dear,
what would they willing do,
to you and your family?

Politics vs Diplomacy

Politics, is Maliciously Manipulative.

Diplomacy, is Honestly Interactive.


Politics, is Ruling over
other Sovereign entities.

Diplomacy, is Engaging with
other Sovereign entities.

Political Games

An Individual looking to genuinely resolve a conflict with family, friends, neighbours or acquaintances, does not resort to Politics for the solution.

One is unlikely to manipulate the situation simply to maximise the benefit for themself, whilst undermining and devaluing the needs and concerns of their counterparty.

A Real Solution, to genuine conflicting concerns, would at least bestow some benefit to both sides or have rational reasoning for being one-sided.

There are no Political Games being played in this type of scenario.

On the other hand, Politics is the opposite to this, where Political Games are the order of the day.

Politics is a Game of Underlying
, Spite and Resentment.

With War being
Politics to the Extreme.

Political Solutions, are the Worst Solutions.


A situation where one side seeks a genuine solution, but the other is playing Political Games, makes finding a Real Solution very difficult.

A situation where both sides are playing Political Games, means no Real Solution is possible.

National Interests

When Politicians regurgitate the cliché, “National Interests”, they do not mean your interests, they mean the interests of the Political Establishment.

If you, your family or community gain some benefit from “National Interests”, this is simply a by-product and not the primary intention of “National Interests”.

When determining “National Interests”, your interests do not factor into the equation at all.

Of course, the obligatory public relations spin will be served up into your dog bowl, to keep you compliant.

Alliances Of Hypocrisy

One sided, politically motivated statements and actions
will always eventually result in hypocrisy.

Conducting affairs in a principled and rational manner,
without preferential treatment or outcomes,
has no such problem.

Authoritarian Saviours

When a minority group delights
in having Authoritarians vanquish
their perceived oppressors,
it will not be too long before
those Authoritarians turn on them.


Because this is just what,
Authoritarians are.


An Attempt to Codify Wisdom and Morality
Based on the Sovereignty of the Individual.

Should any Individual or Collective
violate the Sovereignty of another Individual,
then Remedies for Justice are called for.


Law should be Based on
Natural Fundamental Principles,
not separate Laws for each and every
possibility and circumstance.

In this way, a brief and concise Codex of Law
can be made available and Understood by all.


A consideration for the Definition and
Guiding Principles in the creation of Law.

Court Of Law

The role of a Court of Law
is not to interpret the Words of the Law.

It is to interpret the Intent of the Law
and Issue Remedies for Justice
Foundationally Based on Wisdom, Morality
and the Sovereignty of the Individual.

Moral Justice

“Morality Cannot Be Legislated…”


Moral Behaviour itself may not be able to be Legislated,
but Morally Based Legislation is the Foundation of Justice.


If Legislation is not Based on Wisdom and Morality,
what then is it Based on?

Natural Law

If One were to jump off an extremely tall build unassisted, One would most likely encounter a somewhat immediate and terminal expression of Natural Law.

However, Natural Law does not always operate with such expediency.

Natural Law, shall quite often play out over time in discreet and subtle ways, that might not be so obviously connected to causal action. Setting up the Context for lessons to be learned in a far deeper and more meaningful manner.

Wilful Ignorance of Natural Law, only leads to consequences that are both unexpected and bewilderingly.

In reference to any Injustice incurred, those that attempt to hinder or thwart the Natural resolution of Injustice, may find the Remedies for the Injustice significantly compounded.

All real Injustice will eventually be resolved, regardless of the measures taken to avoid or resist.

Natural Law, for the most part, is Context Driven.

Historically, the most terrible things,
War, Genocide and Slavery,
have resulted not from Disobedience,
but Obedience.

Howard Zinn

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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