A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Parental Love


The Love that a parent experiences for their children, is not based on Unconditional Love. No matter how a parent themself, may feel about the situation.

Genuine Unconditional Love is a whole different matter.

The Love that a parent experiences for their children is at best, Psycho-Biological.

This Psycho-Biological Love, is nonetheless very important and should in no way be dismissed. A parent must feel a strong connection to their children, so as to be able to protect, care for and raise their children.

Genuine Unconditional Love, is an experience encountered when Awareness reaches the state of Universal Consciousness.

While Awareness occupies the shallows of Consciousness, the Emotional Body is restricted and lacks the ability to experience Emotions from a higher intensity, higher frequency perspective.

If a parent’s Love for their children was Unconditional, then the parent’s Awareness would reach Universal Consciousness, as soon as they become a parent.

This is definitely not and is far from, being the case.

As a parent, One may not like to acknowledge that their Love for their children is limited. But this is, what it is.

A parent could well experience Unconditional Love for their children, once Awareness attains a state of Universal Consciousness. But One does not attain the state of Universal Consciousness, simply by becoming a parent.

Quality Of Love

A trait of Unconditional Love,
is that it is Fearless.

While Conditional Love,
is Fearful.


A five-foot hill may seem immense,
when One has never seen,
let alone scaled,
an Everest.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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