Richard Wolff On Trump’s COLOSSAL MISTAKE:
US Decline, Rise Of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy
Americans are suckers for an entertaining show.
So far, Donald Trump has been an entertaining show.
But what is the substance?
Overall, a solid perspective. But just some comments on a couple of the points Richard made.
Richard talks about the federal minimum wage not being raised in over 15 years, resulting as a burden on the poor. But he also implies that manufacturing cannot return to the United States, because of high production costs.
Well, either production costs are lowered, or manufacturing jobs do not return? Which will it be?
As far as Richard’s view on deporting illegal immigrants goes, what is the point of having borders, if unvetted access across those borders is allowed?
It is not up to the people of the United States to treat the people of Mexico like a charity case.
In saying that, Mexican prosperity is hampered by U.S. imperial mechanisms, interfering in Mexican affairs to ensure they do not rise to the level of being a rival to the United States in the region.
This is a complex issue, with tentacles stretching out in many directions. Addressing all the complexity would be quite a challenge.
The United States empire promotes itself as an advocate of free markets, but somehow, manages to rig and contort markets in its favour.
The book, Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, is an excellent primer on this, for those that are unfamiliar with the issue.
Allow a genuine global free market to operate, and wherever any country or region sits at a particular point in time, is where that country or region sits at that particular point in time.
This desire to perpetually be “Number 1”, by any means, is just childish and a detriment in the long run.
Stolen Valour 1
“We must never forget that Russia
helped us win the Second World War,
losing almost 60,000,000 lives in the process.”
Donald Trump
47th President of the United States of America
Posted on Donald Trump’s
social media site called, “Truth Social”
Fact Check
The Soviet Union was already defending itself
from the Nazis and their allies for about two years
prior to the United States even entering the war.
So, who helped who?
Also, it is generally considered that
the Soviet Union lost around 20-30 million people
over the course of the Second World War.
Around 14 million of which were Russian.
This figure of 60 million, came from where exactly?
Correspondingly, American deaths in World War 2
are said to be in the order of 400 thousand.
The National World War Two Museum
Wikipedia World War II Casualties
Americans come along to sweep the floor,
then claim credit for constructing the building.
Okay, this might be a bit of an exaggeration.
But Americans take themselves so seriously
and think themselves so important,
simply for being American.
However, there is always the possibility
that this is just all part of Donald Trump’s
brilliant 5D chess plan.
To what end?
Who knows.
Revision Log
- 26th Jan. 2025 – Stolen Valour section added.