A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Unrelenting Teacher


A Teacher may give credit
for effort and possibly attendance.

A Teacher may have preference
for this position, or that.

A Teacher may deem certain details
trivial and non-essential.

A Teacher may wish to avoid offence,
distress or even embarrassment.

But when it seems that a Teacher
is being overly harsh or perhaps cruel,
that Nature will be Honest,
Merciless and Unapologetic
in all of its assessments.

Because Nature is,
The Unrelenting Teacher.

The Instructor

One that teachers from Another’s texts,
Another’s books and Another’s curriculum,
is not really a Teacher.

They are an Instructor.

One needs to have something compelling
and unique in the offering,
to be considered an actual Teacher.

Inspired Sight

The Teacher is One
that willingly Describes
a masterpiece painting
to the blind.

With the intent
that the Description
will prompt and inspire
sight to be restored.

But however extraordinary
the Description is,
it does not do justice
to the painting itself.

Formation Of Clarity

When dealing with what may
seem like a difficult dilemma,
rather than attempt to fabricate
or formulate a contrived outcome,
allow space for sharp Clarity and
deeper Understanding to develop.

In this way, the natural
solution will emerge.

But it will emerge in its own way,
in its own time, of its own accord.


In the end, it may eventuate
that the resolution arises easier, better
and quicker than One would expect.

Pretenders Beware

One that presents a pretence
of that which they are not,
will eventually be tested as if they are.

A process they will not find pleasant.

With the possible outcomes here being,
One will either rise to the challenge,
or capitulate and fail under the burden?

Stewards of the Earth

Humanity’s intended role is
to be Stewards of the Earth.

Not Rapers and Pillagers of the Earth.

At what point was Value, reduced down to a simple monetary gain?

Is it common to have a spreadsheet tracking the financial viability of,

  • A relationship with a partner or a spouse?
  • Caring for an ageing parent?
  • Providing for a young child?

If this is common, it is preposterous.

Yet, a relationship with the Earth, the Environment, is reduce to,

“How can I benefit?”


“How can I not
be inconvenienced?”


“How can I exploit
my environment to make it
most profitable to me?”

The Earth is a Source of Life, the Earth sustains Life.

Where is the Gratitude?

(This is not in reference to the political fiction of man-made global warming.)

Never has been
Ever will be

Fair and Balanced.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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