A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

A Retrospect



Grace ventures into
the Bowels of Hell,
as easily as it bears
the Crown of Divinity.


Not Invincible,
Just Fearless.


Wisdom takes root,
as Life’s disappointments
become accepted.

The True Wholly Trinity

Grace, Strength, Wisdom are not qualities that best exist in isolation to one another.

They are characteristics that synergistically compliment and reinforce one another.

These attributes are so intimate, that if two of the aspects are present, then the third is Expressed.

  • Grace and Strength together will Express Wisdom.
  • Strength and Wisdom together will Express Grace.
  • Wisdom and Grace together will Express Strength.

The True Wholly Trinity.

An Antithetical Perspective

A Beautiful Aching

founded on

Grace, Strength, Wisdom


An Ugly Delight

founded on

Petulance, Spite, Resentment

Perception vs Reflection

It is very unsettling when One
Perceives themself as Beautiful,
but when confronted with a Mirror,
what is Reflected back, is Ugly.

(Metaphorically speaking)


You are obviously
a product of the Universe.

Therefore, if the Universe
did not want You to exist,
You would not exist.

Given then, that the Universe
requires Your existence,
the Universe will hence provide,
for Your existence.

On condition,
You fulfil the requirements,
of a Sentient Individual.


What are the requirements
of a Sentient Individual?

Resolving Conflict
in a manner that contributes
to greater Understanding.

The Question Mark (?).

The Question Mark (?)

When contemplating or meditating on an Inner Conflict,
observe it as an open Question,
without preference or expectation for an Answer.

Trust, Not Faith

Faith, is akin to Hope.

Faith and Hope imply a Fear
that certain events will not result in
any adverse effects on Oneself
or those One cares for.


Trust, is Powerful.

Trust recognises that the Universe
will unfold as it should
and One will play their part
to Confront and Resolve
any adversity that may arise.

Seeking Reward

Seeking Reward for “good deeds”
is a distorted perspective.

You are not a dog requiring
Reward for obedience.

You are Infinite Consciousness.
So who is there to Reward you?

When living the life of a Sentient Individual,
the Universe will provide for your existence.

With greater Understanding,
being its own Reward.

The entire Universe is your playground.

So what value are any of your trinkets.

Deep Thinking

A goldfish can only swim
within the limits of its bowl.

Deep Thinking
is not possible within
Shallow Awareness.

Deep Awareness
is not achieved from
Deep Thinking.

Deep Thinking
is the result of
Deep Awareness.

Within a state of Deep Awareness,
the Thinking takes care of itself.

The state of Total Awareness,
has no room for Thinking.


The Imbecile and Divinity
share a common trait.

That is,
The Absence of Thought.

One’s Universal Contribution

When Learning,
One is not only helping
themself to Learn,
One is also helping
the Universe to Learn.

Every different perspective
is a contribution to
Universal Understanding.

Thus furthering,
Universal Knowing.

True Value

The Value of an Individual,
does not correlate to
the Value of One’s bank account.

In fact, in many cases,
it is inversely proportional.

While those that Value their bank account
more highly than the Quality of themself,
are destitute in True Value.

As for those that Value nothing;
what can be said?


True Value is not something One obtains.

True Value is something One IS.

Make It Meaningful

is just stone.

A Hammer,
is just a hammer.


are just words.

A Pen,
is just a pen.


are just numbers.

An Equation,
is just an equation.

To what effect Materials
and Tools are utilised,
is what Matters.

Make It Meaningful.

A Stagnant River

A Stagnant River
eventually becomes
Putrid and Odious.

Enabling it to flow,
gives opportunity
for it to Revitalise.


Tightly grasping Love,
sees it turn
Rancid and Repugnant.

Letting go of Love
and allowing it to flow,
gives it Life and Vitality.

Transcend The Together

It is Possible
for Love of Another,
to be Timeless.

However, it is Impossible
to be Together with Another,

Understanding’s Many Pathways

Conflict is a Catalyst
to draw out Understanding.

Teaching is a Catalyst
to draw out Understanding.

Love is a Catalyst
to draw out Understanding.


is a Superficial Coating.

is drawn out from the Void
to Create Substance.

Algorithmic Hierarchy

The Human Physiological Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Human Emotional Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Human Psychological Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Individual Soul Algorithm,

is Subordinate to

The Universal Natural Algorithm,

Is Observed by



Problems come about
when Awareness is Subordinate to
the Human Psychological Algorithm
or Shallower.

The Deeper Awareness Resides,
the more Stable Awareness IS.

Divine Birthright

Divinity is Your Birthright!

Religion attempts to lure you away from
and obscure the path to your Birthright.

There are no “good aspects” to Religion.

Religion cloaks itself
in the “good aspects” of Individuals,
to conceal its underlying motives.

Religion’s underlying motives are
subservience and subordination.

Your Birthright cannot be
subservient or subordinate
to anything.

Religion attempts to claim
Divinity and Spirituality
exclusively for itself.

As if Religion is the source of
Divinity and Spirituality.

Religion politicises
Divinity and Spirituality.

Divinity and Spirituality
are not political.


Religion is,
a despicable abomination.

Worthy Of Heaven

Heaven is not Found in
the opposite direction of Hell.

Heaven is Discovered,
when One drags themself through
and out of the Bowels of Hell.

Only then, is One Worthy of Heaven.


Creating an External Hell,
only leads to destruction.

Journeying through
and transmuting the Inner Hell,
culminates into the state of Heaven.


If One is yet to encounter any Sustained
Deeply Meaningful Pain, Difficulty and Suffering,
then One has not yet Embarked on the Journey.

Matters Of Life

If One’s own Life Matters,
then the Life of Another also Matters.

If the Life of Another does not Matter,
then One’s own Life does not Matter.

The Meaning Of Life

Q. What is the Meaning of Life?

A. The Continuous Discovery of Truth.


1 Truth and Understanding,
Require no Remembering.

Truth and Understanding,
Culminate in Knowing.

A Retrospect

Revision Log

  1. 23rd Apr. 2024 – Quotation removed and new sentences added to The Meaning Of Life section.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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