Universe to End,
Universe did Begin.
Universe to End,
Universe did Begin.
The state of Singularity is not one where
Emotions are suppressed or not experienced.
Presented here are a collection of musings that may be of value, but did not manage to find a core post to call home.
The Real Problem
is not a lack of God.
Allowing Face Saving measures
for a Despicable Adversary,
should not be a consideration
in Conflict Resolution.
Consider a world, a Humanity, where a particular region of this world, is either Spiritually more Evolved, Technologically more Advance or Economically more Affluent, than most other areas of the world.
Guys all jacked up,
looking to score.
Manage your diet.
Manage your stress.
Manage your health.
The Love that a parent experiences for their children, is not based on Unconditional Love. No matter how a parent themself, may feel about the situation.
Bring Awareness
to the location of the Pain,
including the surrounding area.