A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them. Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.



A hollow vacuous heart is entrapped by a thick brittle layer of self-righteous narcissism.

The Power Of Creation


When One expresses a creation
that is truly exceptional,
they are not proud of it,
they are not boastful of it,
they are not egotistical about it.

Opportunity Costs Of Creation


As has been stated in the previous posts, The Fundamental Process Of Nature and Nature, The Algorithm, Creation is the manifestation of Consciousness. It is the vehicle for Consciousness to gain greater Understanding of itself, with Nature being the Algorithm that facilitates this process.

The Shadow Self


The “Shadow Self” is a term that is used to define aspects of Human Consciousness that Awareness is not cognizant of. The phrase, “Phantom Zone”, has previously been used to identify this same notion in the post, The Human Consciousness Model.

Ideology And Religion


Criticisms of Christianity are not exclusive to this particular group of religions. Christianity is simply the one most familiar to the author. Similar criticisms can be made for all organised religions that worship and idolise.

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