A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

War Heroes


War is the penalty on all,
for failing to avoid the War.

As it is, the ones enduring
the greatest devastation of the War,
are those that had the least to do
with creating the War.

War is the result of Heroes
failing to stand up before the War.

There are no Heroes, in War.

Perverse Incentives

Glorifying an Individual
that is forced into a position
of taking Another’s life,
is Perverse.


Perverse Incentives.

The caption for
Human Society
to this point.

The Hypocrites Of War

All those that cheer for War
and promote Others being sent to War,
should first and foremost take themselves
and their children to the front-lines of War.

Because if there is valid justification for the War,
they should be willing to sacrifice themselves
and their children to the War.

Rather than expect Others
to be sacrificed for them.

Thanks For War

To those in the Military
that await thanks for their service.

Why should you be thanked
for serving an Oligarch Class,
that uses you to violently plunder the
property and resources of Others,
whilst masquerading these atrocities
in benevolence and virtue?


To those in the Military
thinking they serve their
country and its people.

No! You do not.

You serve the Political Oligarchy
and Military Industrial Complex.

These are your Masters.


The Military is just another
Government department,
whose role it is,
to serve Government.


Cheering for a Political Construct.


My Team has the Biggest Guns.


My Team has the Biggest Bombs.


My Team can Kill the Most People.



Militaristic Patriotism.

Cheering points for the Insane.

Nails, Nails Everywhere

When the only tool available is a Hammer,
then every problem looks like a Nail.

Paraphrasing Abraham Maslow

From a Conflict resolution stand point, if the only tool One has available to them is violence and destruction, then every Conflict they encounter will be resolved in a violent and destructive manner.

Developing and refining different tools for different contexts, means more innovative and fulfilling solutions can be discovered for the Conflicts that are encountered.

Deception Is No Defence

Being deceived into killing Another,
does not absolve One of the crime.

If One were to be deceived or coerced into enacting unjust, malevolent deeds against Another, then Nature’s consequences for that action will not befall the Deceiver, but the Deceived.

Deception alone does not violate the Laws of the Natural Algorithm.

Unwelcomed and Unjust actions against a Sovereign Entity does.

This is why very astute Tyrants always induce Others into performing their heinous acts, because the resulting repercussions are serious and they are aware of it.

These Natural consequences have come to be known as, “Karma”.

Also to this point, Nature does not recognise the Nuremberg Defence of, “Just Following Orders”, either. Since Nature considers One a Sentient Sovereign entity. Even though, One may not act or see themself in such a manner.

The Courageous Stand Up to Tyranny.

Cowards Kill on Command.

The Military Meat-head Approach

Us or Them.


I Die or You Die.


“Warriors”, are not
the brightest Individuals.

Justifying Murder

Taking Another’s life should
never be celebrated or worshipped.

Regardless of the legitimacy.

All this does, is encourage the deranged
to fabricate ways to justify their murder.


Worship Murder.

A Tool Of Tyranny

As Anger and Resentment rise
against a Political Establishment,
the Political Establishment
will concoct Enemies and Wars
to Dissipate and Diffuse
the Anger and Resentment.

The War To End All Wars

The War to End All Wars
is the War that destroys
Everyone and Everything.


Is this the road
wants to go down?

If so, then so be it.

Truman = Hitler

When my side commits Mass Murder,
then we are the Conquering Heroes.

When your side commits Mass Murder,
then you are the Evil Monsters.


How is Truman a Mass Murderer?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Of course, these people are Japanese,
so they don’t matter.

Besides, they’re “Losers”,
because they lost the war.

The Conscription Con

Let all Politicians and Senior Bureaucrats who support Conscription, along with their families, be the first to be Conscripted to the front lines of War.

Then, once they come back in body bags, the rest of us can decide whether to follow their lead.

In all likelihood, the response from most will be…

“Nah, I’m good.”

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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