A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Crowded Consciousness


has no room for the Ego.

has no room for the Other.

has no room for a God.


Because Consciousness,
is Singularity.

Singularity is not God.

It is not a Santa Claus in the sky
that must be obediently worshipped.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Woke Indoctrination and Religious Indoctrination
are a Mirror for one another.

Both Reflect back the absurdity of the other,
for those that are willing to See.

Wokeness is in Conflict with Religion,

just like

Communism is in Conflict with Fascism.


Both are just two sides of the same coin.

Parasitic Rape

Religion, is a Rape of the Soul
and God, is its Phallus.

Wokeness, is a Rape of the Soul
and D.E.I., is its Phallus.


When Awareness is at
such a shallow state,
the act of Raping the Soul
will not even be realised.

One can observe Another being Raped
and point out the obvious violation.

But if the Other has conceded to being Raped,
then there is little One can do to intervene.

Circling Vultures

There is no Karmic Debt incurred,
if One accedes to the Violation.

Failing to assert One’s Sovereignty,
ensures that the Vultures come calling.


If an Individual or Entity seeks
to Violate your Sovereignty,
make them Incur and Accumulate
Karmic Debt.

One way this is achieved,
is with the simple word…



This is not about the word itself,
it is about Resolve and Intention.

Spirituality, Not Religion

is about You.

is about control over You.

Poor Investments

It is quite often the case,
that those that are most
Religiously Invested,
are actually
Spiritually Poor.

An End To Pandering

It is time to adopt a Scorched Earth Policy
regarding all Lies and Untruths.

Ideological, Political, Religious and Other.

It is time to End this, Pandering to Delusion.

Belligerently pedalling Nonsense,
deserves an equally measured Smackdown.

Delusional Obligation

If One chooses to Delude themself
with Ideology or Religion,
that does not then Obligate Another
to pander to those Delusions.

God, Creator And Saviour

If God is both Creator and Saviour,
why does this God create the calamity,
that then requires One to be saved?

Many will proclaim,
“Free Will” is the cause.

But if this is so,
why then give One
“Free Will”?


Religious Individuals
will contort themselves
into six dimensional pretzels,
attempting to validate
the nonsense they believe.


At this point,
only Cowards, Fools or both
still cling to the idea of a, “God”.

Does Humanity have any idea
of how many times
Humanity has already been saved?

How many more times
does Humanity need to be saved?

Enough is Enough.

Moral Context

Morality is a
function of the Psyche.

The Soul is to
Experience and Understand.

Consciousness is the
Observer of it all.


Morality, to a significant degree, is a product of environment, culture and upbringing.

Although, accumulated Soul experience and Understanding can seep its way down to shallow Awareness states.

Playing a “good person” does not directly correlate to Spiritual development.

When required, a highly developed Soul can and does play the role of Malicious Antagonist.

The Malicious Antagonist is often brought forth to counteract deeply ingrained, comfortable delusion and ignorance.

The reason a highly developed Soul is most suitable for this purpose, is because of its willingness and ability to take on any Karmic Debt that may be incurred.

Creation does not give a shit
about your God worship.

False Association

Associating Morality with Religion,

is like

Associating Intelligence with Paedophilia.


The two things have nothing
to do with each other.

Metaphysics 101

Knowing and Accepting Truth
has a Stabilising effect on Reality.

Believing Lies and Untruths
has a Destabilising effect on Reality.


Transforming from a False Reality of Lies and Untruths,
to a Reality based on Understanding and Knowing Truth,
has a Tumultuous Transition Phase.


God and Religion are the Foundational Lie,
deeply encrusted into the Human Psyche.

God Bless

If God did exist,
who are you to tell God what to do?

Since God does not exist,
what does that even mean?


It is even more baffling to hear
an Individual that is not Religious proclaim,

“God Bless.”

Waiting For God

Has your God
saved you from War?

Has your God
saved you from Famine?

Has your God
saved you from Pestilence?

Has your God
saved you from Natural Disaster?

Has your God
saved you from Political Tyranny?

Has your God
saved you from Violence?

Has your God
saved you from Rape?

Has your God
saved you from Murder?


So, if not for these things,
when is it exactly,
that your God
is going to save you?

Destroying Competition

The Goal of Communism
is not to Destroy Religion.

The Goal of Communism
is to Destroy Competition.


Religion’s Worship Imaginary Gods.

Communism Worships the State.


Communism, is Religion.

Clearing The Void

When a Void that is created by a Question, is occupied by a Belief,
then there is no possibility for the Truth to make itself Known.

Clearing that Void, makes way for the Truth.


Belief, is a Sin.

Dreams Of Heaven

All that is presented here, is intended as a map, leading those lost in the confines of Darkness, out into the Sun.

Those already out in the Sun, do not require any map.

Then there are those, asleep in the Darkness, endlessly dreaming about a painting of a Sun.

Refusing to wake up.

If historical figures were able to
discover Truth thousands of years ago,
what then, is stopping You,
from discovering Truth, Now?

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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