A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Turn It Up!


Allow Intensity to Rise.

Let the Bullshit all Burn.

So when the Fires subside,
only Truth is left standing.

There is no turning away,
or winding things back.

Either One makes it through,
or One does not.

These, are the only options.


One that clings tightly to Delusions,
will Burn with those Delusions. 2

Clearing The Brush 3

Delusion and Falsehood
are the Kindling, the Fuel,
that feed the Fires of Truth.

The more Fuel there is to Burn,
the more Ferocious the Inferno.

Minimise the Fuel,
Minimise the Firestorm.

Because the Spark of Truth,
will eventually Alight.

Too Many Warnings

The role of all Sentient species is to Explore and Discover Truth.

Perpetuating Lies and Untruths on a large scale will lead to the eventual destruction of the Sentient species.

Errors that are continually fed back into a system, will ultimately crash the system.

What part of this is so difficult for many to Understand?

Earth Humans are a failing Sentient species.

Will Humanity join the ranks of the failed?

Woke Ideological nonsense is dwarfed by the Religious nonsense on this planet.

Those peddling God and Religion will be the primary cause of Humanity’s downfall.

If Humanity is not Fit for Purpose, then there is no need for Humanity to Exist. 4

How many more warnings are needed?

Too many warnings have already been given.


There is not now,
nor has there ever been,
nor will there ever be,
a God.

Causes And Outcomes

In a Complex System, an Outcome
may not directly point to its Cause.

A Cause can traverse many pathways,
before manifesting its final Outcome.

A Simpleton’s Dilemma

The vast majority of Humanity
are such obvious Simpletons,
that they can barely recognise
what is right in front of their own face.

So what possibility is there,
for them to untangle a complex web
of Cause and Effect?

Temporal Understanding

“But Jesus spoke about God.”


Christ spoke in terms of
the Understanding of the time.

Or, was it the Apostles
that framed things is terms of God?

Opium Of The Masses

Religion, is the Opium of the Masses.

Paraphrasing Karl Marx


In this regard,
Marx was not wrong.

Fearful God?

If your God is the
All Powerful God of the Universe…

Why is your God So Secretive?

Why is your God Hiding?

What is your God Afraid Of?

Exhuming Substance

There is not Substance,
without Difficulty.

With Difficulty itself,
being no guarantee,
of Substance.


Just because One mines for gold,
does not guarantee One will find it.

Much is dependent on
Where, When and How
One mines.


“We’re heading toward an Idiocracy.”


Too late, Humanity is already there
and, has always been there.

What Kind Of Fool?

One is not a Fool for being Wrong.

One is a Fool when exposed to
facts and reasoning to the contrary,
yet still refuses to acknowledge Truth.

One is a Despicable Fool,
when resorting to attacks
on the messenger.

The Limits Of A Fool

When a Fool seems to reach
the Limits of Foolishness,
the Fool, quite often,
proves the impossible.

I Disagree

“I disagree with your opinion on “X” topic.”

If what is being expressed is True, what does your Disagreement even mean?

Your Disagreement is a nonsensical irrelevance.

Your Disagreement is the equivalent, to Disagreeing with the fact that 2+2=4.

But if what you say is True, how did you independently, through fact, logic and/or reason, come to your understanding?

Regurgitating old scriptures does not count.

Because if what you say is True, you must be able to verify it independently.

If there is a Creator God of the Universe to be Worshipped, then that Understanding must be verifiable anywhere, at any point in time, by any Sentient Being.

Verifying and Understanding Truth, cannot be limited to a certain group of Individuals, thousands of years in the past.

The Bible is nothing more, than He-Said/She-Said stories.

Two plus Two will always equal Four,
whether you Agree or Not.

Prayer vs Meditation
The Rematch


God, you’re so great.
God, you’re just the best.

God, give me this.
God, give me that.

God, do this.
God, do that.





The Disease And The Cure

God/Religion is a Cancer.

Truth/Spirituality is the Cure.


True Spirituality is
Self-Reflection, Self-Awareness.

Fools Never Challenged

Religion is the result
of Fools never being Challenged.

Thus poignantly illustrating the importance,
to Question and utilise One’s Freedom of Speech.


Ego is often Resentful,
when its Belief is Challenged.

The Dangers Of Good Intentions

Obstinate, Ego validating “Good Intentions”, that hinder Oneself or Others from experiencing valid hardship and difficulty, will be the invitation for Evil to provide unintended counter-balancing measures.

The risk ensuing from blind “Good Intentions”, is of One inevitably becoming a tool of the Evil they presumably resent.

Remember, Nazis, in their own eyes, were “good” Christians.

God’s favoured Country, God’s favoured People, destined to inherit Heaven on Earth.

The rhetoric is often the same.

Nationalistic Fervour entangled with Religious Righteousness, is the precursor to an inevitable blood-bath.

Those that proclaim their Country and/or Religion as being favoured by some God, should be considered Dangerous.


The most atrocious Evil
is always concealed,
with “Good Intentions”.

What better Intentions,
than Righteously Virtuous,
Religious Intentions?

How often do Ignorant Good Intentions eventuate
into Disastrous Unintended Consequences?

Considering Morality


Ask yourself, is your Morality and Integrity solely founded in your Religion?

If your Religion were to vaporise, would that mean you instantly become a Murderous Barbarian?

Is the only thing preventing you from becoming a Murderous Barbarian, that thin veneer of Religion?

Has your Morality and Integrity no depth?

You may protest that your Religion is deeply felt.

No, it is not!

Of course, you regard it as deeply felt though, having never experienced the real depth of Awareness/Consciousness.

But this is like walking into a shoreline and getting your ankles wet.

If you have no experience or concept of anything beyond that, it may well feel deep and meaningful.

However, there is an entire Ocean that you have yet to confront.

Will you find True Morality and Integrity, when finally confronting this Ocean?

Or is it actually a case, of you only buying into a Religion, because of some falsely promised pay-off at the end?

Religious Deliverance

Some form of Religious Ideology
is the consistent thread
running through all recorded
Human history.

Behold, the World currently presented.

Whether supportive or reactionary,
directly or indirectly,
this is the World
that Religion has Delivered.

All manifest from a contrivance,
with no basis in Reality.

Killing God

Killing God is not difficult,
since nothing is required
to kill that which never was.

Convincing a Fool
of being a Fool?

Now that,
is the true Alchemy.

But then, some Fools’s powers,
are beyond any Alchemy.

So, What Are You?

Q. So, are you Religious?

A. No, I’m not an Idiot.

Q. So, you must be Woke then?

A. No, I’m not a Retard.

Not So Foolish

To those that feel a little less Foolish
after engaging with A Beautiful Aching.


Hey, Welcome!

Welcome to the club,
of the Not So Foolish.

We have all been
where you have come from.

Gaining Self-Awareness 1

Self-Awareness is not a Religion.

There is nothing to be Worshipped here,
only Understanding to be Gained.

A Beautiful Aching

Revision Log

  1. 23rd Mar. 2024 – Gaining Self-Awareness section added.
  2. 15th Apr. 2024 – New sentence added to Turn It Up! section. UPDATED.
  3. 22nd Apr. 2024 – Clearing The Brush section added.
  4. 22nd Apr. 2024 – New sentence added to Too Many Warnings section.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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