A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Division By (0), A Conceptual Exercise



When discussing the Transcendence of the Algorithm, any strict logical and rational approaches begin to break down very quickly, as these are the domain of the Algorithm. They are helpful in exploring within the Algorithm, but are next to useless beyond it. That is why this is referred to as a “Conceptual Exercise”, it is not a mathematical proof of anything.

Foundation Summary

The following is a summary of the information introduced in the post, Foundation Of Duality.

Singularity Model
  • (0) = Universal Origin, Zero Point, State of Nothingness, Singularity Source, Context.
  • (1) = Universal Whole, Infinity, State of Everythingness, Singularity Universe, Subject.
  • These are Qualitative aspects of Singularity; they represent the Everything and Nothing of Infinity. They do not represent numerical value; they are not Quantitative like the numbers 0 and 1.
  • (0) = (1) = , Since both are referencing Singularity. (, Infinity Symbol)
  • (fx) = Universal Fragment, a division or boundary state within the Universe.
  • (f1), (f2), (f3), … = A specific Universal Fragment.

Division By (0), A General Approach

Division by (0) in this case, means dividing some fragment of the Universe, (fx), by the Origin of the Universe, (0), which is also the Whole of the Universe, (1).

So, the Question that Division by (0) is effectively asking is,

“How many times does the Universal Whole
fit within a particular Universal Fragment,
of which the particular Universal Fragment is a part of?”

Or put more simply,

“How many times does the entire Universe
fit within a particular grain of sand,
of which the particular grain of sand is a part of?”

Now, on the surface it may seem obvious that the Universe cannot fit within the grain of sand. Although it could be said that a fraction of the Universe can fit and that fraction is the grain of sand itself, but this is not the primary issue here.

The issue that arises comes from the fact that this is a Self-Referencing Question, because Singularity implies “One and Only One”, there is no Other, there is not multiple Universes or Infinities. So how can a fragment of the Absolute Whole, be divided by the Absolute Whole, of which it is a fragment?

Again, put simply, the individual grain of sand is a part of the Universe, so how can the Universe fit within the individual grain of sand, of which the individual grain of sand is a part of?

This leads to the Self-Referencing nature of the Question; it is Infinitely Self-Reflecting. Because if the grain of sand is being divided by the Universe at one level of reality then it is simultaneously being divided by the Universe at all levels of reality.

Division By (0), A Somewhat Technical Approach

Division by Zero generally takes the form of,


This implies any number, x, divided by zero. All numbers exist within the numerical universe of Infinity, so are therefore divisions or fragments of Infinity.

However, in the case of this conceptual exercise, a Universal Fragment, (fx), is being divided by the Universal Origin, (0), so rewriting the general Division by Zero equation using the above terminology we get,

\frac{(\textbf{f}_{x})}{(\textbf{0})} \quad or \quad \frac{(\textbf{f}_{x})}{(\textbf{1})}

Which means that a fragment of the Universe is divided by the Origin of the Universe, which is also the Whole Universe, because both are the same thing.

Now, if we are talking about a specific fragment of the Universe, (f1), then the equation looks like,

\frac{(\textbf{f}_{1})}{(\textbf{0})} \quad or \quad \frac{(\textbf{f}_{1})}{(\textbf{1})}

The problem that comes about for resolving this equation is that Universal Fragment 1, (f1), exists within the Universal Whole, (1). So how then is Universal Fragment 1, (f1), able to be divided by the Universal Whole, (1), of which it is a part?

Since (f1) is a unique individual Fragment within the Universal Whole, (1), trying to divided it by the Universal Whole at one level of the equation means that it is concurrently being divided by the Universal Whole at the next level. Then, if it is being divided at the next level, it is also being divided at the level below that. In fact, it is being simultaneously divided at every level below and above the original level, wherever that is, all the way to Infinity.

Simultaneous Division

The Universal Whole, (1), is referencing an aspect of itself in the form of Universal Fragment 1, (f1). This is the Self-Referencing nature of the equation, it is Infinitely Self-Reflecting, above and below.

This is why Algorithms cannot cope with this type of equation, because they always tend toward Infinity.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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