A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Understanding Space/Time


Consider a circle.

This circle encloses an area or a Space.

A Space implies movement, because what would be the purpose of the Space, if there were no ability to move within it.

Now, a unique physical object cannot be at two distinct points in that Space at exactly the same Time.

For a physical object to move from one point in that Space, to another point in that Space, requires Time.

Hence if Space exists, then Time exists and vice versa. But if one is absent, both are absent.

If the Space between two points is increased, but the speed of movement between those points remains the same, then the Time to move between one point and the other also increases.

Thus, Space/Time is referred to as a continuum. The greater the Space, the greater the Time.

Expressed in a more general sense, a change or variation in one aspect of a Dualistic relationship corresponds to a change or variation in the other.

There is however one point in that circle where Space/Time does not exist, where no movement is possible at all.

That is, the absolute centre of the circle.

At the absolute centre of the circle there is no area, meaning there is no Space and therefore no Time.

The only thing that is found there is Stillness, Silence, Singularity.

But the centre of the circle is fundamental to the creation of the circle, because the circle does not exist without the centre.

So, there is a paradox, from the Source of Stillness the entire dynamic Universe is birthed.

Also consider, that every point within the circle is a potential centre of a new circle.


Asking the question, “When did Time Begin?” or making the statement, “The Beginning of Time” makes no sense, because this implies that at some point in Time, Time began.

For Time to have a Beginning and an End would indicate that Time already prevails. It suggests that Time would have to exist within an envelope of Time.

There cannot be a Beginning of Time. There cannot be an End of Time.

There can only be a Beginning and an End to the things that emanate within Time.

Time itself is a functional mechanism within the framework of Eternity.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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