“Hamas murdering innocent Israelis
on October 7th 2023 is a
despicable and horrendous act.”
Paraphrasing Robert Barnes
“Israel indiscriminately bombing Gaza
and killing far more Palestinian civilians
than Israelis killed on October 7th 2023,
is not good for “Israel’s interests”.”
Paraphrasing Robert Barnes
“Technically, the mass murder
of innocent Palestinian’s
in Gaza is not a Genocide.
Therefore, it’s not that bad.”
Paraphrasing Robert Barnes
“Palestinians associated with
the Nazis during World War 2.”
Paraphrasing Robert Barnes
Robert Barnes is an admirable Individual and lawyer, who’s work and position against tyranny should be Highly Respected.
But for some reason, there seems to be a distinct bias and hypocrisy in his positions regarding Israel/Palestine.
Now, we all have our biases, but when it comes to innocent people being murdered, there should be no bias.
If One is going to advocate for the rights of Individuals, maybe demonising all people of a certain group is not a consistent way to go about that.
Croatian Ustaše associated with the Nazis during World War 2 also, along with many other groups in Europe. Should Croatia now be bombed into oblivion?
Should questionable associations and actions by some Individuals in the past, now condemn an entire population?
If this is the standard, then there is not a single Individual on the planet today that should not forfeit their life immediately.
Overall, I just don’t understand.
(Some of the more spiteful and corrosive statements made about Palestinians as a whole, have not been included.
Admittedly, there are even more spiteful and corrosive statements made about Israelis and Jewish people as a whole, from the other side of this insanity.)
Excellent episode of Robert Barnes on The Duran.
This shows his sound stance on so many other issues.