A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Preserving Culture?


“We need to Preserve our Culture.”


Why should a Culture that has led to Tyranny, be Preserved?

Culture is the Context in which Individuals, hence Societies, operate.

If this Context has allowed Tyranny and Evil to not only establish itself, but to entrench itself so deeply into every aspect of Society, that it now becomes a monumental task to overcome, why would any sane Individual want to Preserve this Culture?

“Culture was better 20, 30, 40 years ago.”

Going back 20, 30, 40 or even 100 years, leads to here.

Why create the same situation for future generations to have to deal with?

It is disgraceful for current generations to even consider regressing Culture to a place that produces the same issues.

Deal with these issues Now!

Sentimental value is not a valid reason to cling to a Culture that allows Tyranny and Evil to flourish.

The Individual requires a complete and total personal overhaul.

Then, from this, Culture will be completely and totally overhauled.

There is no other way.

There is no other viable, long term solution.

For those still unable to see the Tyranny and Evil around them, well, this is very telling.

Cultural Viability

A Culture based on Delusional Nonsense
is hardly a Culture worth keeping.

Regardless of its Longevity.


does not bestow Nonsense
with Validity.

The definition of Insanity
is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting a different result.

Origin Questioned

May not be a legally accurate definition,
but the sentiment is apt.

Fear Of Fear

The greatest Fear of all,
is the Fear of being Afraid.


Allow the Fear.

Be with the Fear.

Become Comfortable
in the Fear.


Transcend the Fear.

The Source of Culture

Politics may well be downstream of Culture.
But what is not being asked is,

“What is Culture downstream of?”

Culture is downstream of Self-Awareness and Self-Identity.

How an Individual sees themself,
determines the Culture that is created.

Freedom Or Equality?

Creative Freedom
Free Individuals.

Free Individuals
Free Choices.

Free Choices
lead to
Unequal Outcomes.

Unequal Outcomes
Diverse Solutions.

Diverse Solutions
result from
Creative Freedom.


There can either be, Freedom
or there can be, Equal Outcomes.

There can never be both.

(Based on an original quote by @naval)

Freedom of Choice
does not mean
Free from Consequence.

Clown World

Whenever things go awry in a circus,
clowns immediately step in to distract the audience.

Things are seriously awry with the current global circus
and clowns are aplenty, performing overtime.

(Paraphrasing an unknown source)

Western Politics and Governments
have degenerated to such a degree,
that they only function to give
useless and incompetent twats
the ability earn a living as parasites.

Betraying Loyalty

What validity does Loyalty hold
in the context of friendship?

Is it simply to cover for
malfeasance or inadequacy?

Friendship is about
Trust and Honesty, not Loyalty.

Loyalty to Truth trumps Loyalty to
friends, family or anything else.


A Resolute Character
will endure accusations of Betrayal,
when taking a stand for Truth.

Even from those most dear.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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