A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

I Have A Question?


Lindsey Graham,

United States Senator
from South Carolina.


Is it just me,
or does he look like a
sleazy paedophile
who eats children?


I’m not American,
so I can’t tell.

(Reminiscent of Gríma Wormtongue,
from The Lord of the Rings movies.)

Tucker Carlson Clip – Zelensky/Graham Meeting

Clip from Tucker On Twitter, Episode 1.

Categorically Unequivocal Apology

I would like to offer a categorically unequivocal apology for appearing to insinuate that Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina, may possibly look like a sleazy paedophile who eats children.

I understand that some may infer that this is actually the case, but rest assured, that Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina, does NOT look like a sleazy paedophile who eats children.

It is preposterous to even consider that any member of the United States Congress or Senate, looks like a sleazy paedophile who eats children, let alone, be an actual paedophile.

It is inconceivable that this could be the case. The resulting turmoil would be monumental.

So, to repeat again, apologies for appearing to insinuate that Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina, may possibly look like a sleazy paedophile who eats children.

Lindsey Graham, United States Senator from South Carolina, does NOT look like a sleazy paedophile who eats children.

Thank you for your understanding.

(If it is not obvious, the I Have A Question? section, is satire.)

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