A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Calibrating For Truth


As was mentioned in the post, The Emotional Body, the Human Psycho-Biological Organism is an excellent instrument for the measurement of Honesty and Deception, provided that it is calibrated correctly.

The term “Calibration” is generally used to denote the process of aligning a measuring device against a known, well defined standard.

For example, the “metre” unit of length is currently based on the speed of light in a vacuum as 299,792,458 metres per second. Thus the “metre” is defined by how far light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.

Calibration of the Human Psycho-Biological Organism is achieved in a similar manner. If an instrument is being calibrated for Honesty and Deception then the best and obvious standard for this is Truth, because of the fundamental Nature of Truth, see The Transcendence Of Truth.

For One to be able to accurately determine the varying levels of Honesty and Deception in the world around them, One must first calibrate themself to the standard of Truth.

So how does One go about accurately calibrating against such a standard?

By clearing Oneself of all Self-deception and Self-delusion, however small.

It is these falsehoods and fallacies that condition the Individual with a distorted standard to measure Honesty and Deception by.

Once all Self-deception and Self-delusion has been resolved and eliminated, the only thing left is Truth. Because there is nothing else, Truth itself cannot be eliminated. Truth may be hidden, it may be obscured, it may be misrepresented, but it can never be destroyed.

It is also valuable to dispense of the notion of “My Truth” and “Your Truth”. This is a misguided technique to mischaracterise Truth as a Subjective opinion, a way of justifying Self-deception and Self-delusion. Refer to the post, Objective Truth.

The primary factors that contribute to Self-deception and Self-delusion are,

  • Fear – Truth is too uncomfortable or painful to accept.
  • Insecurity – Pandering to One’s own insecurities as a way to avoid Inner Conflict.
  • Addiction – Physiological dependencies such as substance abuse.
  • Biases and Prejudices – An over attachment or obsession with Emotional preferences.
  • Belief – Psychological conditioning or programming to fit a certain ideology.

All these elements affect the Individuals ability to have a precise frame of reference for Truth, because they cloud and skew One’s perceptions, thus resulting in poor accuracy when it comes to determining levels of Honesty and Deception.

Another related aspect to consider here is; why are political and religious institutions so heavily invested in promoting Hope And Belief?

They perpetuate the idea that “Salvation” is only available through their particular avenue, though they may not express it in this exact manner. But what is not often noticed is, that their avenue is actually a roundabout, in which an Individual can find themself lost, indefinitely.

Below are links to related material. These are short pieces from the Exygen writings.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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