A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

More Motley Musings


A Simple-Minded Cliché

“There is no “I” in Team.”


A Great Team is full of “I”s.

I am Responsible
for My Actions.

I am Responsible
for My Preparation.

I am Responsible
for My Performance.

I am Responsible
for My Self-Reflection.

I am Responsible
for My Improvement.

I am Responsible
for My Resilience.

I am Responsible
for My Perseverance.

I am Responsible
for Pulling My Weight.

I am Responsible
for Picking Up Slack.

I am Responsible
for Falling Over.

I am Responsible
for Getting Back Up…

Without the “I”,
there is no Team.


If the “I am…”
is removed from the above statements,
then the only thing that can replace it is,
“Who is…?”. 1

A Considered Response

Statement : There is no “I” in “Team”.

Response : Yeah, but there’s plenty of You, in “Retard”.

(Yes I know, I have issues with this statement.)

Definition 1

Retard – One that is Obnoxiously and/or Wilfully Ignorant.

Not A Stoic Facade

The state of Singularity is not one where
Emotions are suppressed or not experienced.

The state of Singularity
allows the experiencing of Emotions
at very high, very refined levels,
but Consciousness and behaviour
cannot succumb to the Intensity.


The state of Singularity,
is not merely a Stoic Facade.

The Role Of Storytelling

Is the purpose of Storytelling,
Mindless Entertainment?

Or is Storytelling a way to Express
Deeper Insight and Meaning?


Modern-day “Storytelling” has devolved into either
Mindless Entertainment or a Vehicle for Propaganda,
because creators and audiences lack the capacity
for Deeper Understanding.

The Superhero

The basic premise of a Superhero Story, is that one Individual
bares the Grief and Burden for an entire population,
while everyone else, sits on the sidelines and watches.

The appropriate response to this
from the Superhero should be,

“Yeah, Go Fuck Yourselves.”


Superhero Stories,
are Bullshit Stories.

Offensively Boring

As One keenly seeks to be Inoffensive,
One invariably becomes,
Offensively Boring.


This does not imply,
One behave like an Entitled Shithead.

Misperceptions Of Fate

Fate is not a case of,
what Should or Should Not be.

Fate, is a case of,
It IS,
What it IS.

A Beautiful Aching

Revision Log

  1. 24th Aug. 2024 – Definition for “Retard” added.

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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