A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Motley Musings


Presented here are a collection of musings that may be of value, but did not manage to find a core post to call home.

Adverse Benefits

Great Minds
Bad Training.

Graffiti encountered by the author
on a University train station wall


Great Souls
Great Difficulty.

Exposing Fragility

When One is offended over a word,
they are not demonstrating how strong they are.

They are revealing how fragile they are.

Nice, But So What?

Simply playing a “Nice Person”
is not the overriding quality attribute
of the Human Individual.

Sulking Again?

“Did my words give
your fee-fees a boo-boo?”


Behave like a sulking child.
Be treated like a sulking child.

The Last Resort

Once the use of force is chosen
as the method for resolving a Conflict,
it immediately negates all other options.

So it may be Wise to exhaust
all other possibilities first,
before resorting to the extreme choice.


Applies to an immediate, unavoidable physical threat

Pacifist Meets Violence

One may consider themself a Pacifist,
for whom the use of force
may never be an option.

But what are they to do
when encountering Another,
that does not feel the same way?

One is more likely to Hate
Another they have wronged,
than they are to Hate
Another that has wronged them.

Paraphrasing Tacitus

Indulging Simpletons

“Explain it to me like I’m five.”


You’re an Adult.

Why do you have the
intellect of a five-year-old?

Balancing Stupidity

There is no Balance between
two opposing Stupidities.

Stupidity is always,
just Stupidity.

Perspective Matters

“You’re difficult to work with.”


Egotistical Imbeciles find me
difficult to work with
and rightly so.

Those of solid Character
and Competence,
will find it Pleasant
and Rewarding.

Depth Perception

One cannot see the Depth within Another,
that they have not realised within themself.

A Loser’s Attitude

“If things get too hard,
I’ll just take myself out.

Because I don’t want to suffer.”


This is the problem with a
privileged Human Ego,
dependent on technological comforts.

No Resilience.

No Resolve.



Those thinking there is no cost to the Soul,
for an ego that destroys the body,
are sorely mistaken.

An analogous description would be,
for a farmer to plant a crop
and then burn it before the harvest.

Obviously, continuing with this approach,
will be detrimental in the long run.

The Height Of Ego

Suicide is the Height of Ego.

Ego would rather destroy the Body,
than have to continue to face the suffering.


Suicide is not necessarily Immoral.

Suicide is Stupid and Cowardly.

The Idiocy Of Mantras

A Strong, Courageous Individual
does not keep telling themself they are
a Strong, Courageous Individual.

A Weak, Cowardly Individual
tries to convince themself they are
a Strong, Courageous Individual.

Thus, reinforcing that they are
a Weak, Cowardly Individual.


Mantras help reinforce
that which is not.

This is, the Idiocy of Mantras.

Climate Manipulation

“Man-Made Global Warming”
is an Ideology of Self-Loathing
and Resentment toward Humanity.

A perfect vehicle of control
for any Authoritarian.

“Man-Made Global Warming”
has nothing to do with the
well-being of the Environment.


If the label, “Global Warming”, seems
a little too narrow in its definition,
the name can always be revised to
“Climate Change”, to justify all outcomes
as being Your fault.

Smashing Pedestals

One should never allow themself
to be placed on a Pedestal.

This is simply confining Oneself
to the area of the Pedestal.

Jump off the Pedestal
and smash it into a million pieces.


No Sacred Cows!

Drift Aimlessly

“Don’t drift aimlessly. Focus.”



There is nothing wrong with
spending time, Drifting Aimlessly.

Many a great discovery can be made
when venturing down unexpected paths.


Focus is not the Aim.

Awareness is the Point.


A more accurate expression
of this sentiment would be,

“Don’t Drift Mindlessly.
Maintain Awareness.”

Open To Possibilities

Exploration and Discovery does not have
a predetermined goal in mind.

Identifying As Wallpaper

Is the reason One covers their body in Tattoos,
so One can more convincingly Identify as Wallpaper?

So is Wallpaper now a Pronoun,
Gender or Sexual Preference?

It is so confusing.

Order of Operations

A Baby cannot be Birthed
at the moment of its Conception.

A sufficient development period is required
for a successful Birth to take place.


Order of Operations, is Crucial.

Open Borders

If Individual Sovereignty and Respect for Private Property Rights is recognised as the Foundational Principle of Human interaction on a global scale, then Open Borders may become feasible.

Until this is the case, Open Borders will be a disaster.

Malignant Parasites

Q. How does a small country like the United Kingdom,
specifically the British establishment,
have such a significant influence
on a major power like the United States?

A. A Parasite is often smaller than the Host.

Drug Legalisation

The question of whether
drugs should be legalised or not
is the wrong question to ask.

The primary question
that needs be asked is,
why does One feel compelled
into taking drugs?

Once that issue is resolved,
the question of whether drugs
should be legalised or not,
does not arise.


Superficial Questions
Do Not Resolve
Deep Underlying Issues.

Controlled Breathing?


Do Not Control Breathing.

Get Ego out of the way,
Relax and Allow
the Body to Breath.


Ego seems compelled
to Control everything.

Playing A Role

An Intelligent Actor/Actress can succeed
in playing a Stupid Character.

However, a Stupid Actor/Actress cannot succeed
in playing a Intelligent Character.

The attempt is often
cringe-inducing and cartoonish.

The current Western entertainment industry
is filled with Stupid Actors/Actresses.


A similar assessment can be made
for Writers and Politicians.

But given that the Human population
is mostly made up of Simpletons,
the Stupid appear as Geniuses.

I’m not a Simpleton.

I can watch a quiz show
and get all the questions
about the Kardashians right.

Narcissistic Nonsense

“Narcissists don’t love you.
They love themselves.”



A Narcissist does not
Love themself.

That is why a Narcissist
demands Others Love them.

Anyone that actually Loves themself,
makes no such demands from Others.


Cheap, Superficial, Incorrect
Psychological “understanding”,
helps no one.

Future Boom Industry

Tattoo Removal.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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