A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Physical Pain


Bring Awareness
to the location of the Pain,
including the surrounding area.

And Observe.

Do not try to relax
or imagine the Pain away.

Just, Observe.

Observe the Pain.
Observe any tension.
Observe any details of the Pain.

Observe any sense
of Energy flow.

Do not expect anything to come
from Observing the Pain.

Simply Observe,
what IS.

In association with the Pain,
Observe the Breath.

Do not force the Breath.
Do not Breathe deeply.
Do not attempt to relax the Breath.

Allow the Breath to be,
what IS.

Be Aware of the area
of the Pain.

Observe the Pain.

Listen for any messaging
from the Pain.

Bring Awareness to the Pain
and Observe whatever comes from this.


Pain Killers Numb Awareness.

Serious wounds and injuries
should be treated by an
appropriate medical practitioner.

Lifestyle Inertia

Every type of Lifestyle has an inherent Inertia to it.

This includes a poor, unhealthy Lifestyle.

Transitioning from a poor, unhealthy Lifestyle, to a vibrant and healthy Lifestyle, requires One to arrest the current Lifestyle Inertia and reorient it toward a healthier direction.

Once sufficient Inertia is induced into this new Lifestyle, reverting back to past habits becomes more difficult.

Diet is also an important part of One’s Lifestyle.

Contributing factors to unhealthy Lifestyle Inertia, are unresolved levels of Inner Conflict.

But It’s Haaard!


But unfortunately,
there are no medals awarded
for recognising the difficulty.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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