A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Spectrum Of Awareness


The term “Awareness” has been used extensively in previous posts, but what is meant by this and how does it differ from “Consciousness”?

Well, Awareness in this physical reality spans the spectrum from Death to full Consciousness. With Death implying no Awareness, while full Consciousness indicates an unobstructed connection to Singularity, because full Consciousness is Singularity.

It is important to note that full Consciousness in this context, refers to the Human Psycho-Biological Organism’s maximum Consciousness capacity.

The Physical Body being awake and not sleeping does not equate to a fully Conscious state.

Also, Consciousness is not the thoughts that One has, Consciousness is the Observer of those thoughts.

If Consciousness is equated to the Source of all water everywhere, then the spectrum of Awareness is the drop, the puddle, the pond, the lake, the sea, the ocean. These are all fractal states of water and similarly of Awareness.

Each drop of water, is water, it is complete, there is nothing missing. Substantively there is no difference between one drop of water or an entire ocean of water.

Awareness stuck within the Algorithm only Understands what that particular level of the Algorithm is capable of allowing it to Understand. Its range and capacity is limited to the drop, the puddle, the pond, the lake, the sea, the ocean.

Awareness that has Ascended to the level of Consciousness, Knows Infinity. It Knows the Source from which all water has come. Its range and capacity is all water, everywhere.

Low level Awareness is the equivalent of standing on a shoreline and getting One’s feet wet, then becoming hysterical over the “Intensity” of the experience.

High level Awareness is swimming out into the deepest part of the ocean, during the most extreme and vicious storm, whilst being calm and at ease in this exceedingly difficult situation.

Consciousness however, is not only the swimmer in this plight, but it is also the ocean and storm in which all this takes place.

Consciousness is the Silence
in which the Music is played.

It is the Stillness,
from which the Breath is drawn.

With Consciousness, no Boundaries exist, no Questions are possible, all those have been left behind and only Silence, Stillness remain.

Awareness is the personal perspective, a fractal aspect of Consciousness. Just like Light is Light, whether the Light is coming from a candle or the Sun. It is only a matter of scale and Intensity.

Additionally, the idea of a “sub-conscious” is inaccurate, because there is no “sub” to Consciousness. Meaning that there is nothing that is beyond or below Consciousness.

There is however “sub-Awareness”, a state in which One is unaware of Self and the level of unawareness is dependent on One’s capacity to delve deep into the unknown of the Self. Or put another way, One’s capacity to Self-Reflect.

Consciousness is not an Expression,
it is the Source of all Expression.

Consciousness is not an Absorption,
it is the Void that welcomes all Responses.

The Depth Of Substance

When looking at the surface of a puddle
and comparing it to the
surface of a small patch of ocean,
One may get the impression
that they are both, just water.

But they most definitely do not
equate to being the same thing.

In other words,

Mimicking qualities superficially,
does not Manifest Substance.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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