A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Retarded Apes


West is in Panic! Russia Rises! EU Stumbles!
Tom Luogo, Alex Krainer, & Gordon Dimmack

Some great points were made in this discussion. Worth a watch.


Specifically referring to time section 20:30 – 23:06.

The Russians going back to Religion is not necessarily a good thing.

This only demonstrates that Religious Indoctrination is far deeper than Communist Indoctrination.

They are simply reverting to some deeper Psychological Malware. Religion is just a familiar and comfortable hole in which to wallow.

They are not Progressing, they are Regressing.

In two or three generations, if there is a Humanity left on this planet, it will be revisiting the same issues it is now, only in a slightly different manner.

Because Humanity refuses to Resolve anything, nor Understand anything meaningful.

As far as things working in cycles goes, an Individual is not supposed to repeat kindergarten for their entire life.

An Individual is intended to get through kindergarten and move on to other things.

Humanity cannot seem to get through kindergarten.

Humanity merely ends up with fancier and more dangerous tools and toys to play with.

Why is this a cycle that needs repeating?

Just when it seems some real Understanding is developing, the Retarded Apes on this planet, do and/or say some really dumb shit.

When are these Retarded Apes going to realise that it is Religious God Nonsense that is destroying them?

The Buddha was not a proponent of any Religion of the time.

Christ was not a proponent of any Religion of the time.

Muhammad was not a proponent of any Religion of the time.

But somehow, their Teachings were bastardised into Religions.


The Bible, as currently presented, is Bullshit. It is not some “Holy Book”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

It is sheer dumb luck that Humanity has not destroyed itself before now.

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