A Society of Lies, is failing generations.
A Society of Lies, is detrimental to the Psychological development of the young.
A Society of Lies, where contradiction and hypocrisy prevail, will cause the developing Psyche to become burden and overwhelmed trying to make sense of the inconsistency.
A Society of Lies, is built around Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy.
Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy, perpetuated by Government.
Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy, perpetuated by Religion.
Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy, perpetuated by Education Systems.
Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy, perpetuated by Media Outlets.
Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy, perpetuated by Family and Friends.
Lies, Indoctrination, Contradictions and Hypocrisy, perpetuated by Businesses and Places of Employment.
These all have an accumulating effect on a young, developing Psyche.
A developing Psyche, attempts to calibrate itself toward its new environment.
A developing Psyche, being feed distortions and untruths, develops in a malformed manner.
A developing Psyche, attempts to resolve contradictions that are completely incompatible with observable Reality.
An Individual with a malformed Psyche, will then find it difficult to comprehend actual Reality.
Reality, will make no sense to them.
This is then propagated from one generation to the next. Until the quality of the Human Being is so poor, that the average Individual struggles with even the most basic functions.
Undoing this damage is extremely difficult, as it begins at such an early age, the distortion is hardwired into the brain.
Is it any wonder then, that children grow up with their Psyche so malformed, they have no idea what gender they are?
Is it any wonder then, that children grow up with their Psyche so corrupted, they resort to self-abuse and bodily mutilation?
Given all this, teaching children about a Santa Claus and an Easter Bunny, may seem kind of cute, but it is not helpful.
Cutesy nonsense, is rarely helpful.
Truth, Logic, Reason, are vital for healthy Psychological development.
Prolonged, Obstinate Ignorance
causes far more damage,
than whether One is
a “Good” or a “Bad” person.
Raising The Future
Bringing up and raising children, is not about obsessively protecting children from difficulty.
Bringing up and raising children, is about preparing children, to ably address inevitable difficulty.
Nurturing and cultivating Psychological and Emotional resilience, is vital for the development of children in becoming proficient at resolve difficulty.
But to be successfully instil in children, Psychological and Emotional resilience, must first be inherent within One’s Self.
Of course, this does not suggest adults be cruel to children.
Seeds Of Catastrophe
Just as the metaphorical stone unleashes the avalanche, a single, seemingly innocuous and inconsequential Untruth, disseminated through an entire population over the course of time, has the potential be the progenitor of absolute devastation.
Hence, within a Society of Lies, the possibility for Catastrophe, increases appreciably.
Human history, is replete with such examples.
Lies, are the Seeds of Catastrophe.
The Inescapable Solution
Maybe the Inescapable Solution is,
that Religious and Ideological Lunatics
must first all destroy each other,
then the rest of us can proceed
with Building a New Humanity.
If this is the case,
then so it shall be.
Saving Insanity, Why?
Why would a “Saviour” have any desire
to Save a population of Insane Zombies,
that Obstinately Refuse to Wake Up?
It is best to just let them
Destroy Themselves.
A Sovereign Entity cannot be forced
to do anything for their own benefit,
that the Sovereign Entity does not want to do.
Band-Aid For A Severed Leg
At a time of Extreme Urgency,
obsessing to rectify Superficial Issues,
does not resolve Fundamental Problems.
Deck Chairs.
A Complete Overhaul
in Understanding is Essential.
Is anyone even Aware of the Urgency?
The Synergistic Solution
It is generally considered that
Conflict Resolution between two or more parties,
requires Compromised Solutions.
However, there is also such a thing as,
Synergistic Solutions.
This type of Solution benefits all parties
to a greater degree than the sum of
individual contributions from each party.
Although, finding these Solutions
has some mandatory requirements.
One of which is,
disregarding the Ego.
The Woke Crusade
Wokeness is a Crusade
by incompetent Individuals
to justify their existence,
on issues that do not abide
to any meaningful extent.
Just A Little Bit
A Little Bit of Religion is like
a Little Bit of Drug Abuse.
A fledgling Drug Addict
will convince themself that
a Little Bit is fine, even though,
health damage may still occur.
But the potential is there
for a Little Bit, to become a Lot,
which sees the Drug Addict
become a Fanatic.
Why So Hard?
“Why so hard on Religion?”
If the Lie of Religion
can be Killed within Humanity,
then Any Lie
can be Killed within Humanity.
is the Foundational Lie.
Destroy the Foundation,
the Tower of Lies Crumbles.
Distorting Perception
Ideological and Religious Beliefs, are Interpretation Layers between the Observer and Creation.
These Skew and Distort Perception of Observable Events into a Predefined Mental Framework.
Creation, cannot fit within a Predefined Mental Framework.
Drop the Interpretation Layers and Experience Creation for what it actually IS.
Truth is, there is no separation, between the Observer and the Observed.
Obstructing Truth
Belief is a condition
in which One Deludes themself
that they have the Answers.
When One Deludes themself
that they have the Answers,
One Negates the Impetus for Inquiry.
When One Deludes themself
that they have the Answers,
One Obstructs the Discovery of Truth.
Religion and Ideology,
Indoctrinate Belief.
Religion and Ideology,
Obstruct the Discovery of Truth.
Figuring Out Truth
“How does One figure out Truth?”
One does not “Figure Out”, Truth.
Once Clarity is established,
One Sees Truth.
One becomes Aware,
of Truth.
Truth, is not a calculation.
Truth, IS.
The Mask Slips
Tyranny is quite averse,
to the Conflict of having its
Ideology and Propaganda,
challenged by Truth.
Those that attempt to suppress
Free and Open dialogue,
give themselves away.
Tell me you’re a Tyrant,
without telling me you’re a Tyrant.
Framework For Discovery
True Insight and Wisdom,
is not a Framework for Belief.
True Insight and Wisdom,
is a Framework for Discovery.
A Shift In Perspective
Rather than being Defined
by what One Believes,
find Inherent Meaning
through what One Values.
Playing The Part
One wonders,
if these Western Government
and Media Mouth Pieces,
feel like Clowns.
Because they sure do,
look like Clowns.
National Security
National Security actually means,
Establishment Security.
If something jeopardises
the Political Establishment,
it is then deemed an issue
of National Security.
Patriotism implies Subservience,
to a Nation State.
Patriotism implies Subservience,
to a Political Collective.
Patriotism implies Subservience,
to a Psychological Construct.
Patriotism is a Mechanism for,
Antagonism and Manipulation.
Patriotism is the War Cry,
of the Simpleton.
If all Nation States
were to disappear tomorrow,
Humanity would still be here.
So what exactly,
is One subservient to?
Puerile Patriotism
Patriotism directly correlates with the attitude of,
“My side is the only side that matters.”
Either One makes a stand for Truth and Humanity
or Humanity itself, is not worth the trouble.
The Human equation
is a simple equation.
Humanity will either…
Prosper together
Perish together.
There is no other way.
Destroying Narratives
One can have all the
Public Relations,
Perception Management
and Narrative wins they like.
But Reality,
IS Reality.
Eventually, Reality will
Destroy all Narratives.
If One is unwilling
and/or unprepared to face Reality,
then One’s dire fate is sealed.
It IS,
what it IS.
Escaping Reality
The more a Society Escapes into Fantasy,
the more the Reality becomes a Nightmare.
How about involving Awareness with this Reality
and Transforming it into something worth engaging in?
An Environment Devoid of Consciousness,
leaves vacancy for a Perverse Hellscape.
The term “Environment”,
does not only apply to the Physical,
but the Emotional and Psychological also.
The Cause Is The Solution?
How can One expect Politics
to fix the mess, that Politics created?
Distorting Truth
Democracy ≠ Freedom
Health Care ≠ Medical Aid
Political Authority ≠ Morality
Religion ≠ Spirituality
Darkness ≠ Evil
Belief ≠ Truth
Singularity ≠ God
Distortion ≠ Association
All Ideologies,
Religious or otherwise,
are a Cancer of the Mind.
All Ideologies,
are a Pseudo-Truth.
Because if the Ideology is True,
then it is Truth, not Ideology.
is Mind Cancer.
Pseudo-Truth – That which One believes to be True, but is not actually True.