A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Socialist Problem


The primary issue with Socialism, is that the Socialist is not really concerned with the welfare and well-being of a population.

The Socialist’s main concern is with power and control.

Socialism compels conformity to social programs down the barrel of a gun; direct or implied.

The Socialist Problem is, that Socialism, is not voluntary.

As soon as social programs and safety nets become voluntary, they become a business, insurance and voluntary community programs.

These are all open to competing ideas and providers for these services.

Socialism is a forced monopoly.

Socialism is intended to create dependency.

Socialism is a one-size-fits-all approach to Individual and social issues.

But then, the inevitable question arises,

“What about the poor people?”

Socialism creates poor people.

Socialism cannot exist without poor people.

Socialism is constantly attempting to increase its supporter base.

It is easier to create dependency, with poor people.

Additionally, the funds for social programs do not come from Socialist governments, they come from tax payers.

The Socialist is very skilled at playing, “The Hero of the People”, with other people’s money.

Universal Health Care

“Universal Health Care” is one such Socialist program that is intended to provide medical services to a national population at no direct cost to the Individual.

To see the consequences of this policy, One need only observe the general health levels of wealthy, western populations that implement such schemes.

There is no reason why genuinely healthy diet and lifestyle choices are not available to these people. Yet, poor fitness, obesity, chronic illness and degenerative diseases are out of control in these countries.


One reason is, incentive.

There is no incentive for Individuals to pursue healthy diet and lifestyle behaviours, because the resulting poor health is not a financial drain on the Individual.

If the Individual were to directly pay medical treatment costs for poor health choices, then the Individual would be incentivised to make better heath choices.

Poor choices and behaviours need to bestow meaningful consequences for changes to take place. If no meaningful consequences are forth coming, then poor choices and behaviours are encouraged to continue.

Consider an Individual, with a neighbour that is a reckless and dangerous driver. So when the neighbour invariable has an accident, they demand that this Individual pay for the consequences of that accident.

What does One consider the response to this request would be?

This same scenario is reflected in those that are reckless and apathetic with their own diet and lifestyle choices.

Why should those that do make healthy diet and lifestyle choices, be forced to pay for the medical expenses of those that do not?

If these Individuals do not care enough about their own health to do something about it, why should anyone else?

Undoubtedly, the vast majority of medical costs incurred in the Universal Health Care systems of western countries, are induced from poor diet and lifestyle choices.

One need only examine the leading causes of death in western countries for this to be evident.

Another related point, in many cases, Socialist health advice is fundamentally wrong.

Poor health choices are the result of poor health education.

Socialist education programs are geared toward producing compliant citizens for the state. Rather than high quality, well rounded and intelligent Individuals for society.

The intent of this post is not to be an all-encompassing repudiation of Socialism and Universal Health Care, but merely a catalyst to stimulate further inquiry. For there are many not-so-obvious and inherent issues with Socialism that others have already addressed.

An invaluable source on the topic of real free markets and the corrupting nature of Socialism, is the Mises Institute.

Assess a System by its Long-Term Results,
Not its Short-Term Intentions.

Hard-Wired Programming

Ideology and Religion,
when indoctrinated into the young,
can create the false impression
of being not only voluntary,
but essential to Life.

Reality And Illusion

Principled Integrity is one thing.

Pursuing Ideological Purity,
is altogether different.

What About The System?

Much talk comes about regarding what type of system is best for the world, rather than, how to best develop higher quality Human Individuals.

No system is workable or sustainable with poor quality Human Beings.

Poor quality Individuals can only conceive of and work within, poor quality systems.

The quality of the Sentient Individual is the Foundation upon which a Society stands.

A population of high-quality Individuals, will find high-quality ways to organise themselves.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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