A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Direction Of Resolving Conflict

Human Being Model

The direction of Conflict resolution is incredibly important in the process of establishing Clarity and exercising Awareness toward full Conscious expression.

If One’s sole objective is to either avoid Conflict or only resolve Outer Conflicts, then a never-ending quest is undertaken, as Conflicts are expressed from an Inner source and projected Outward, forever Diverging.

But if the primary direction of resolution is turned Inward, then the Conflicts are Converging and an eventual full resolution is possible.

The associated image of the Human Being Model will be used to demonstrate this point.

Outer Conflict

Human Being Model - Web 1

From the Unresolved Conflicts image shown opposite, the web type overlay represents the labyrinth of interconnected Conflicts projecting from near the Source.

If One is to fixate on only resolving Outer Conflicts, then it can be seen that there is never an end to the Conflicts that require resolution, because the Conflicts are in a Diverging trajectory.

Meaning, that the further One moves away from the source of the Conflicts, the more Conflicts there are and the more that will be created.

Inner Conflict

Human Being Model - Web 2

However, if the primary direction of Conflict resolution is turned Inward, then the Conflict paths are Convergent and ultimately lead to the state of Singularity upon resolution.

Attaining this state does not mean that all Conflicts everywhere are resolved forever. It simply means that the Conflicts are now observed from the perspective of Singularity, rather than the perspective of One whose Awareness is lost in the endless maze of never-ending Conflicts.

This is a condition which is detached from the ever-present, Conflicting Nature of the Universe, by virtue of the Clarity that is offered from this vantage point.

One’s True Self,
One’s True Expression,
is buried under a Mountain
of Inner Conflict.

Awareness is always Outward facing, but the movement of Awareness is ideally Inward. One way to express what is meant by this statement is with the following example.

If One were to stand closely facing a wall within a room, then all that could be seen in this circumstance, would be the wall directly in front. This is assuming that One is not able to turn their head nor body in any way.

One is unlikely to be Aware of what is behind them and the only way to become Aware would be to begin moving backward. So that what was behind, then appears in front, purely by the change in perspective from the backward movement.

This is how Awareness moves deeper within Consciousness. Awareness itself cannot turn around to see what is behind it, but it can progress deeper. Its viewpoint can transition, so what was behind, then appears in front and subsequently, new Understanding is gained from this shift in Context.

To further demonstrate this concept, consider the scenario where One is lying face up on the surface of a deep body of water. Perception of what may be below is difficult from such a position. But as One sinks lower and lower into this body of water, what was below would soon be above, with Awareness deepening all the way to the bottom.

To add a little more complexity to this situation, it is not Awareness moving under its own volition that creates the movement deeper toward the Source, but the resolution of Inner Conflict behind it that leaves a vacuum and that vacuum draws Awareness deeper.

It is the process of Psychological/Emotional compartmentalisation/repression that pushes Awareness further and further out toward the surface of Human experience. So once it reaches the boundary limit and the underlying pressures force a change, the only options available would be to attempt to destroy Awareness itself, or begin the long and arduous journey back to the Source.

With Awareness at such shallow levels, the underlying Energy Node Points and associated Bodies atrophy, due to the lack of Energy flow through them. This then severely diminishes signalling to and from the Source, thus seriously inhibiting Human function and life experience.

Often, the barrier to resolving Conflict
is not the Answers One seeks,
but the Questions One asks.


Bring Awareness to the Inner Conflict…,

Face and Allow the Intensity…,

A Resolution Will Come.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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