A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Disassociation Of Sovereignty


What is being referred to in the title of this post, is the Disassociation of Sovereignty from the Individual.

If a computer operating system is infected with Malware which attempts to seize control of said computer, then the legitimate user/operator would have difficulty utilising the computer for their own purpose.

If the Human Psyche is injected with Psychological Malware which attempts to seize control of the Human Psycho-Biological Organism, then the Legitimate Authority would have difficulty utilising the Human Psycho-Biological Organism for its own purpose.

The posts, Crash The Algorithm, Part Two and The Direction Of Resolving Conflict, discuss how unresolved trauma is compartmentalised, resulting in Awareness being pushed further out toward the boundary of Human experience, away from the source of Human expression.

As a product of this shallow state of Awareness, a vulnerability is created, allowing opportunity to insert Psychological Malware into the Human Psyche without detection. Establishing the possibility for interference with Legitimate signalling from the Sovereign Authority, which is the Soul itself, as seen in the hierarchy of Anatomy Of The Human Being and The Human Consciousness Model.

Once this breach has occurred, it becomes problematic for Awareness to distinguish between signalling from the Soul and signalling from the Malware, since both appear to originate through appropriate avenues behind the Awareness state. Doubt and uncertainty will obviously arise as disparate messaging arrives through these influencing channels.

Complicating the situation even further, upon success of the initial breach, a doorway is opened allowing manipulation vectors to penetrate from all directions. Signal traffic may in turn congest and conflict to the point that it suppresses the Legitimate Source, while also potentially overwhelming the Human Psyche as a consequence.

Employing ideological indoctrination techniques to take advantage of this violation, influences perception and behaviour of the affected Individual. Religious, Political, Nationalistic or any other collectivist agenda, can then be served through the unscrupulous utilisation of the numbers game.

On top of all this, Psychological Malware not only provides opportunity for exploitation, but additionally creates distortions and corruptions within Legitimate coding of the Psyche. Which causes warped perceptions of Reality, preceding abhorrent behaviours, separate from the manipulation aspect.

Adding yet another contributing factor to this already convoluted mess, is that the Psyche is constantly engaged in the process of self-repair. Venturing to undo and heal these unwanted intrusions, whilst having to contend with an ego resistant to any real hardship. As hardship is inevitable in such a circumstance.

Furthermore, Psychological Malware can and will use the ego as a defensive strategy to protect from exposure and rejection.

All in all, rather than creating a method of reliable control, what eventuates is an erratic and chaotic predicament perpetuating from generation to generation, as the initial intervention entrenches itself deeper into the Human Psyche, making way for ever more penetrating incursions.

So, the question at the forefront of this assessment is,

“What is the initial intervention that has set up exploitation
pathways for the Human Psycho-Biological Organism?”

The answer is, insertion of malicious code within the Human Psyche compelling it toward obedience and subservience to an exogenous source. Instituting the mechanism for the Disassociation of Sovereignty from the Individual and thus, a forced abdication from Self-Authority.

Worshipping gods and expecting saviours is the primary outcome of this Disassociation of Sovereignty.

Difficulties transpire as this is an unstable situation, with the afflicted Psyche attempting corrections, while contributing efforts come from Nature to facilitate the healing process.

It seems rather ironic here, to have religions that worship deities quick to condemn any abhorrent behaviours, since the basis of their existence is the source of the abhorrent behaviours. The sooner these psychologically parasitic ideas are exorcised from the Human Psyche, the better it will be for Humanity as a whole.

God is the Fallen One.

To close out this analysis, an Individual’s level of Awareness sets the Contextual Foundation for their perception of Reality. Having a superficial or incorrect Contextual Foundation, causes a multitude of cascading effects bringing unintended consequences.

Add to that, extrinsic, pernicious Psychological coding which endeavours to override Legitimate Authority and results are predictably, unpredictable.

Despite the tremendous underlying calamity, it must be acknowledged at this point, how phenomenally impressive the Human Psycho-Biological Organism is. Being able to function at all in this severely disconnected Awareness state and under such staggeringly volatile conditions, is truly a testament.

Every conceivable effort and action has been made to capitulate the Human Psycho-Biological Organism, to subdue it into total subservience to an external authority. Every dirty trick, every manipulation, every trajectory of attack has been undertaken.

Yet, the Human Psycho-Biological Organism has not been broken and cannot be broken.

All attempts have failed.

This Earth Human species has shown itself to be Resilient beyond possibility; Robust unworthy of expectation.

The only thing left now, is for Awareness to come back home.

A Strong Individual
will put themself in
difficulty and disadvantage
for the benefit of Others.

But a Strong Individual
will not abdicate Sovereignty
for the appeasement of Others.

True Treasures

Who is to blame?

At whom is vengeance
to be directed?

No One.

True Treasures
are discovered in
the Difficulty,
the Struggle,
the Suffering.

True Treasures like

Leading to an Unwavering
Robustness and Vitality.

When the value of
these Treasures is realised,
there is no blame to be cast
or vengeance to be had.

The Understanding
that is gained from all of this,
holds only Sincere and Genuine

Being Grateful for the
Joy and Pleasant aspects
of One’s life is easy.

Being Grateful for the
Pain and Difficulty
takes Real Character.


Individual – An observational point of reference for Singularity.
(A refinement of the definition given in the post, Dualistic Counterparts)

Individual Sovereignty – The Individual is ultimately in charge of and responsible for Oneself and One’s actions.

This, by extension, includes the benefits and consequences that emanate from such a state.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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