A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

The Insidiousness Of Worship


Charlatans Of Virtue

Charlatans of Virtue artificially reflect
the amassed dim lights of followers
and bask in the glowing spectacle.

True Divinity, has the ability to
Blindingly Radiate, all on its own.

Worship is a mask that presents an appealing facade of Reverence and Respect, but behind it lies an insatiable chasm of entitled desire and expectation.

When One Worships Another, be it an Individual or perceived deity, they do so not out of appreciation and admiration, but out of self-serving motivations, driven by chronic fear and insecurity.

However, unreserved fealty has its price and the amount to be paid must reflect the willingness to prostrate Oneself, so eagerly and absolutely.

A price that is readily promised, by those that cannot deliver and have no right to authorise, yet do so anyway, simply to siphon the desperate and the lost.

This price is of course, Eternal Heaven itself.

A nebulous prize, that suits the grandeur of the exhibition and to accept any less, would make a mockery of the ritual.

But to question is not permitted, because if it were discovered that this price cannot be paid, then sentiment could shift, turning exaltation to demonisation, with these vendors of the ethereal finding difficulty maintaining their perch.

Despite all the power they project and adulation they command, not even these grant immunity against a contract thus void.

From the worshipper to willingly worshipped, the entire episode is a display of saddening tragedy. For Divinity so misrepresented, flaunts how skewed and misguided the path has become.

As all things have their time, Truth will eventually prevail and what will then be laid bare, is that Worship is Insidious.


Reverence – Love and appreciation, without expectation.

Worship obliges the One being worshipped
to an imagined standard set forth by the worshipper.

Reverence and Respect do not demand
any such obligation or standard.

Genuine Integrity

One may accumulate “good deeds”
for the purposes of a Heavenly pay-off.

But would One still engage in these pursuits,
if no matter their choices and actions,
Hell eventuates as the final destination?

Genuine Integrity has no expectation for a rewarding bounty.

Whereas Pretence will parade its virtuous veneer,
while expecting prestige and accolades for the performance.

Religion = Politics

Religion is just Politics by another name

and like all Political institutions,

organised Religions are simply a vehicle by which

the few exercise power and control over the many.

If a religious or political institution claims to be the source of attributes like Morality and Integrity, then One may be convinced that the only way to acquire these qualities is by affiliation with this collective group.

Power therefore, resides with the collective authority, because One may not want to be without Morality and Integrity, so must willingly submit themself to the collective authority.

But the actual reality is, that True Morality and Integrity are aspects of the Individual. They cannot be acquired through osmosis by being physically, emotionally and psychologically amalgamated into a collective.

Only the facade of Morality and Integrity is obtained through association.

True Morality and Integrity, is the Power of the Individual.

True Morality and Integrity
are not attributes
that are enforced from external
religious or political sources.

They are qualities that are
Discovered, Developed and Nurtured
through greater and deeper


A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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