Traversing the Darkness is transitioning to an unknown destination, along an unknown path.
It will never be possible and likely not desirable, to have the ability to perceive all the steps in between.
At times, the veiling fog may only allow the next step to be visible. Presenting no other option but to hesitantly proceed.
At others, the fog could recede to despairingly expose the absence of steps in any direction, with waiting being offered as the mandatory choice.
Presuming steps that are not, simply steers One astray. Becoming perpetually lost, a real possibility.
Debilitating turmoil encountered often on this path, breeds respectful familiarity for its lessons and its ways.
Darkness pressing hard against One’s face, crushing with its force, uncovers terrified apprehension and reluctance to pass through.
However, fearing to go on, determined to retreat, reveals the impassable wall directly at One’s back.
This is the path, the path Traversing the Darkness. The path which seems endless in both distance and pain.
Yet even in such Darkness, sparks still alight. Giving brief clarity and resolve to push on ahead.
Then as each spark coalesces within Awareness’s flame, clarity’s briefness extends down the way.
Traversing the Darkness does eventually end, at the destination that is Now, the destination that is Home.
The True Path is the Inner Path.
The Path upon only the Individual can walk.
The Culmination Of Heart Break
I Hate you for making me Hate you.
The last thing I ever wanted,
was to Hate you.